Monday, October 11, 2010

Suggestion: Nemesis/Arch-Enemy

Every Hero or Villian has his or her one single arch-rival that most of their resources are focused on utterly defeating.

Wouldn't it be cool to see this element of the game expanded? Imagine a system where we could designate someone our Nemesis (the feeling would have to be mutual--they would have to concur) and we would see the moment our arch-foe were online, their location (there's nothing better than foiling the missions/capers of the people we hate the most) and we got bonus xp for defeating them. In addition, imagine a "Clash" game mode where arch-enemies could bring their allies onto an environment on a PVP server and have a knock-down drag-out for the ages. The possibilities....are endless.

For balance purposes (aka point whores) you could only get xp bonuses once in a 24-hour period when facing your Nemesis, and would only be allowed to change your arch-foe once every 30 days.

Here is a post from the DCUOS by GL_Nightwing where there were many other great suggestions regarding the Nemesis/Arch-Enemy feature as well. viewtopic.php?f=1&t=6604


  1. this is a really good one. Arch-Enemies would take the game NEXT LEVEL.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love this Idea. This would introduce a very interesting and fun element to the game.
