Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Should we see a change regarding "Dying" in DCUO?

Who besides us wishes there were just a few more consequences to dying? While we certainly don't advocate your character dying, never to be seen again, shouldn't we see more consequences? it'd certainly give the game a more "human" side.

There are tons of gameplay mechanics that would really enhance gameplay by making people more accountable in regards to death. there are many games that currently doing some pretty interesting things in regards to death. a few games give you the option to restrain, knock-out or KILL an enemy...and "choice" is the option we love above all others.

1) Partial or Total Loss of Current level of XP - while you wouldn't drop from a level 5 to a level 4. What if we lost a portion of our accrual towards our next level when we died?

2) Longer Respawn - from the current vids it seems as if respawn is pretty quick. what if we had to remain in a limbo area (where you would still have full access to menu) for a longer period?

3) No Rejoin Ability - I think a majority are really excited about Guild/Team Wars or some other similar game mode. So what if an enemy chose to kill you in a match instead of knocking you out/restraining you? the inability to rejoin that game would be just the thing to add competitive elements into DCUO.

4) Morality/Infamy - as an example, most of the PeaceKeepers (well, i don't know about Gray Wolf--i think she'd bodybag you if no one was looking) are against lethal force and frown upon it, what better way to display the difference between true heroes and the shadier vigilante types? also..what better way for villains to become more infamous? imagine some scum from the Legion of Chaos killed your character and caused you to lose half or all of the XP you gained 5 points from a level up. there's no question that's someone who just found a spot on your personal MOST WANTED LIST.

In the end, while we definitely don't seek to make the game any LESS fun, just as deep as it can be. There's nothing like a good sense of Accountability and Consequences--even if it is virtual.

1 comment:

  1. as long as the penalties aren't too bad i'd like this.
