Sunday, October 10, 2010

Suggestion: Spatial Chat

While Gyant revealed that DCUO will have fully-functioned MMO-style text chat as well as full voice chat and controls via the Vivox system, many have mentioned how much a well-done Spatial Chat (also known as Proximity) would add to gameplay. While we can certainly expect the Emotes and Gestures to be well done, few features can rival the ability to tell your enemies how little a chance their evil plan/heroic deed has to succeed, in addition to any other classic Hero/Villian monologue we might devise.

Could we see Spatial Chat in DCUO? Only the developers know for certain.

UPDATE: here are some details on the Vivox System.


  1. This is a great idea. I would love to tell someone who just got their skull cracked to "stay the hell down!" Good times for all. Lol
