Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Suggestion: Secret Identities

We know we're not the only ones hoping that Secret IDs are more dynamic then just a mode where we can put our character before we log off. While we've heard plenty of great suggestions that include being able to gain XP for customization doing "jobs", asking SOE to have something like ready by launch is asking a bit much. Jens and Chris certainly hinted at something on a past episode, but no one knows for sure what they have up their sleeves. Could we see:

1. Secret IDs should they be discoverable? probably not. static is probably best in regards to this. how corny would it be to keep getting attacked when all you've got to fight in are khakis.

2. Customization? Now this would be nice. Gaining the ability to have a cool apartment, clothing or a decent ride sure would be cool.

3. Protected Status? Making secret identities immune to attack is a good thing. Giving players the ability to explore the environments unmolested would be a necessary perk.

4. Having occupations was a popular suggestion as well.Should we be able to get a job? Hmmm...that's a good question. there's no doubt it would add to the game's depth.

Those are just a few of the popular suggestions we were sent. Have some of your own? Be sure to send them to our email ( so we can add them to our current list.


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