Sunday, November 7, 2010

User Interview: Blitzfreeze of Chaotic Evil

Our most recent interview was with Blitzfreeze of the group Chaotic Evil. Read on for some of his views on why he chose a Villain, why he prefers PC and what the big deal about End Game Content is.

The "Villain Route" isn't that popular these days, what made you choose to be a bad guy?
A:I choose to be a villain because it is the path less traveled I agree, it's a superHERO MMO, not a Superperson MMO. So I fully anticipate the villain side to be outnumbered, and out-gunned. So why do you ask did I choose a villain? Simply BECAUSE I knew I would be outnumbered and out-gunned. The challenge my friends, of running into an open world PvP server and knowing your not going to have to be the best of the best, you're going to have to be the best of all the rest, because rarely will you find an even numbered fight. This is party why I created Chaotic Evil, to band together a bunch of experience, veteran, and rag-tag group of MMO players, and help transform us into a well oiled hero killing machine.

What's your previous Superhero MMO experience?
A:To be honest, none. I played CO beta for acouple of months, didn't like it, teleporting was unique, and I enjoyed that, but it was missing the "iconic" angle. Yeah the bat dude and the defender guy or whatever are there, but I mean come on, who wants that over Batman and Superman? I know I don't.

Were you influenced at all by comics and tabletop RPGs?
A:Only touched a tabletop RPG once in my life, and that was with Star Wars, but I guess my friends didn't appreciate my sith lord being able to defocus their lightsaber crystal and short out their lightsaber an instance before mine found flesh....needlessly to say I wasn't invited back. As far as comics go, I am actually more a marvel fan than I am DC, I love Wolverine, Deadpool, Spider-man, and Venom, but I do read Green Lantern religiously as well, so that is actually one of the main reasons I am attracted to DC.

Is DCUO the realization of a long-time dream for many hardcore fans of Comics and RPGs?
A:I think people are expecting it to be, and I honestly hope it will be, but even after 5 years of development you can only fit so much content in for launch, and a lot of comic readers have their "niche" character they are going to want to see in game, for instance mine is Batzarro, and when they aren't in game initially I feel people might get disappointed, so as long as you take this game for what it is, a hard hitting action MMO with a DC flair to it, then I think people will be quite satisfied.

How do our real-life selves influence what kind of characters we make?
A:Depending on how comfortably you are with yourself, you character is either who you are, or who you want to be, I make my characters tall and fat, just like me, because what can I say, I'm freaking awesome, and I want my character to be freaking awesome as well.

Are you a PC or PS3 player? What are some of the differences between each?
A:PC all the way for me. I don't feel like I'd be getting the same experience on a PS3, with the inherit bottleneck the console presents to downloading/uploading, I feel my nice gigaport router and network card are going to serve me much better in the game.

Tell us about Chaotic Evil.
A:Chaotic Evil is really the embodiment of being a villain, imagine taking a pirate, a mandalorian, a klingon, Deadpool, an evil dessert, Mr. Freeze and Deathstroke. Along with an inbred hatred of anyone who plays a Superman clone, and you have what it is to be in Chaotic Evil.

Why select a Villain versus a Vigilante or Hero?
A:Villain is just more fun, simple as that. (Plus I can be a jerk to people and pass it off as roleplaying, which coincidentally is the only thing roleplaying is good for, disguising the fact that I'm an asshole)

How were you introduced to DCUO?
A:I was at San Diego Comic-Con 2008 when they debuted it.

What other superhero MMOs are you a veteran of?
A:CO kinda of, didn't really play past beta.

Let's say DCUO introduced Guild Wars/Matches (where teams of "supers" could organize and battle each other) in the coming months? would it be a Good or Bad thing?
A:Best news I would have heard since TOR released that you could be a Zabrak Inquisitor :P

If you could take down one DCUO NPC Hero, who would it be?
A:Hal Jordan, hands down.

Which player-controlled do-gooder would you put behind bars?
A:Behind bars? Ha! I'm a villain, I don't put people behind bars.

What are the three things DCUO can implement to keep you as a long-time player?
A:1) End Game Content 2) End Game Content 3) End Game Content

In the same vein, what three things can guarantee you won't be around long?
A:1) Cosmetic Changes 2) More collections 3) No End Game Content

If you could have one dream game feature, what would it be?
A:Become a member of the Red Lantern Corps, and have a home themepark dedicated to furthering their cause, or even better, and entire quest chain dedicated to blackest night!

What other game elements are a MUST in DCUO?
A:PvP, Challenging Raiding, Intricate Raid Mechanics (ie not all tank and spank)

What unconfirmed new DCUO content would you like to see?
A:Lantern Corps wars of epic proportions!

If there was one change you could make to DCUO in its current form, what would it be?
A:Add more power sets, Earth, Electricity, Hard Light, Uranium/Radioactive, there is not enough variety currently.

In your opinion, what is DCUO's greatest strength?
A:The DC license and IP, hands down.

What weakness hurts DCUO the most?
A:The lack of end game content.

What are you on the lookout for in the Beta? How important is BETA Feedback?
A:Bugs, glitches, exploits, shortcuts, etc...And Beta Feedback as an integral part of the designing, developing, and implementation process.

We recently suggested how much Spatial Chat adds to online gaming ( ) what's your opinion?\
A:Where else would I smack talk a freshly killed hero?

With anti-heroes of questionable background and moral character like the Dark Enforcers around, is the Vigilante Class a must-have in DCUO?
A:If you want to be a vigilante, roll villain, if you don't, put on your spandex and stfu.

Is a Danger Room/Training environment where we can match-up and practice against other bad-guys (or AI) a necessity?
A:It would be quaint, I'd never use it, I prefer testing out my technique on live targets.

If you could choose an Arch-Rival in DCUO, who would it be?

Describe Blitzfreeze.
A:Take Hitler, Mr. Freeze, and Batman. That's Blitzfreeze.

PVP or PVE server, and why?
A:PvP server all the way, when the content runs dry, you can always make more on a PvP server.

What hero team would you look forward to matching up with in a well-done Guild Wars system?
A:Any and all of them.

What new things would you like to see in Character Customization?
A:CUSTOMIZATION of the CHARACTER would be nice :P As it stands I have one set of eyes, no eyebrows, one head, and 3 body types....yeah....

What hero group is Chaotic Evil's biggest threat in DCUO?

Should DCUO have a Sidekick feature where new players can use NPCs or more experienced players as Mentors?
A:Sure, why not.

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