Friday, January 14, 2011

Character Breakdown: Ghostly Avenger

Recently we had the opportunity to sit down with the creator of Ghostly Avenger to discuss his character and a few other aspects of DCUO. Read on below for the full details.

Describe The Ghostly Avenger.

I would describe Ghostly Avenger as an essence of what used to be Steve Burrows.  With the power of Illusion and telekinesis, he strikes fear into the hearts of evil doers by making them see their worst fears come to life and makes them pay for their crimes with a vengeance.

How long have you been crafting your character?

Ghostly Avenger has been a long process of finding the right powers and the story that will best describe him.  In City of Heroes, he went through a three year process of trying every power set in the game, but DCUO has been the best representation of what, in my mind is the true Ghostly Avenger.

How did you come up with the abilities for him?

At first I was thinking a fire/brawl/flight tank.  But after playing in the Beta for awhile; I felt it did not represent the Ghostly Avenger to his true potential.  So my best friend and leader of F.L.A.G., Soldier suggested Mental powers, since the control type is my favorite style.  It was like a light bulb went off in my head and the true power of the Ghostly Avenger was born.

What superhero characters influenced you to create yours?

There were a lot of superhero type characters that has influenced me in the creation of Ghostly Avenger.  The looks, i would say came from Ghost Rider, but the personality of Batman was a huge influence.  I also took some influence from the Crow.

Tell us about the organization he belongs to: F.L.A.G.

F.L.A.G. has been such a calming presence.  The group is a reminder that he is not alone in the world and people may someday be able to stand up for themselves without being afraid.

What's his role within the group?

His role, as a co-founder of F.L.A.G. is to welcome new heroes to fight the good fight.  To always look out for those that can't defend themselves and to fight for Justice.

Did the DCUO Character Creator allow you to complete your vision of The Ghostly Avenger?

I believe that DCUO Character Creator has brought Ghostly Avenger closer to his true potential than any other game.

Should DCUO have a Bio Section where you can click on a character and see his backstory/origin?

I absolutely believe there should be a backstory/origin for every person that wants it.  I find it very interesting to see other people's stories.

What are your character's motivations?

Ghostly Avenger strikes fear into those that do wrong, brings Justice to those that deserve it, and fights for the ones that can't fight back.  Being a Ghost, he does not need the things of the world anymore, so he does not crave food, warmth or money.  He craves Vengeance for the weak and peace for those that can't fight for it, all the way maintaining the balance between Justice and Judgment.

Most of the other heroes in F.L.A.G seem to be based on a patriotic theme, why not your character?

I believe that every Super-Group needs a unique perspective.  Ghostly Avenger brings an otherworldly approach that seeks to maintain justice as a whole in a way that protects the values of Freedom, Liberty, and Glory; but necessarily in a way that is constrained to an American point-of-view.

Does your character have a history in any other MMOs?

As I mentioned before, Ghostly Avenger started in City of Heroes, but I believe you will see the true Ghostly Avenger in DCUO.

Who would be your character's DCUO NPC Nemesis?

Trigon, he is basically Ghost's opposite, whereas Ghost wishes only to be reunited with his family in the afterlife, Trigon's desire is to invade this mortal realm.

Do you see any potential player-characters that might be an arch-enemy?

Maybe someone of a sorcery nature.

Tell us about his personality.

Ghostly Avenger is somewhat brooding, he no longer cares for the things of the world, he only wants to pay his penance and join his family.  He stands up for the weak, keeps to himself and is very reserved.

As an undead-style character, what are some of his needs?

He is no longer of this world, so worldly things do not interest him.  His only need is balancing justice and judgment as a means to reunite with his family.

Tell us a few things no one knows about him.

He has a very dry sense of humor.

The Ghostly Avenger is essentially a reincarnation of Steve Burrows, what made you choose that origin?

I like tragic heroes like Batman, the Crow, Ghost Rider, and the Punisher.  People who's lives were taken out of their hands, yet they rise out of it to serve justice.

What are some of his weaknesses?

As an immaterial being, his weakness is magic.  As someone not able to interact with the physical realm, he has to use telekinesis to interact with things of the living.  Magic reaches beyond the limits of physics into the spirit realm and can affect his essence.

Should players be able to "switch sides" in DCUO?

I think a person has an idea in their mind, so there is no need to switch sides.  If you wanted to make a villian, you should make a villian.  Or if you want to make a hero, make a hero. 

Tell us about some of his recent beta exploits.

I have enjoyed teaming with my fellow FLAGsters and other heroic icons and joining in the fight against evil.  We recently teamed for the Brother Blood instance and had a really good time.

Emblems and Insignias have been pretty hotly debated what's your view?

I think Emblems or Insignias would be a great thing to have.  But for the Ghostly Avenger, all of that is very trivial.

How would you do Secret Identities?

I don't think they should be in-game.

What one improvement to gameplay would you make after playing the beta?

The social aspect of the game needs an overhaul, my experience has been very frustrating. With the filters and voice chat very rarely working.

What's your opinion of the Shoutbox?

It's for those that want to annoy people. Largely, I ignore it.

With anti-heroes of questionable background and moral character like the Dark Enforcers around, is the Vigilante Class a must-have in DCUO?

I think it is very appealing to some people, but I don't think it is a must-have in my opinion.

Is a Danger Room/Training environment where we can match-up and practice against other heroes/villains (or AI) a necessity?

I think it would be very cool to try out our powers in different situations, but i don't think it is a necessity.

Why do you think user-fiction/short stories play such a huge role in games like this?

It lets people voice their ideas and be creative.

In your opinion does a PVP or PVE server offer more character development?

I have tried PVP and wasn't very interested in it.  PVE is definitely my favorite for character development.

What new things would you like to see in Character Customization?

I would say there should be more options in color and more styles in outfits.

Have you thought of an end-story for your character? What happens when he gets all the revenge he requires?

I wanted to keep the story and background more of a mystery.  I haven't really thought of an ending; there is always someone that needs to be Avenged.  But when the world no longer needs Ghostly Avenger, he will be able to see his family again. 

Should DCUO have a Sidekick feature where new players can use more experienced players as Mentors?

Absolutely, I think it could be very cool.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed that very much. I liked the detail of character background. Good job!
