Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Update: Private Masque prefers to be a Loner

Fortunately the Gotham vigilante Private Masque just enjoys his own company more than the company of others. With the disappearance of Revenant, and rumors that others had left the group, many were fearing the worst. It turns out that it was just time for him to return to life as a solo hero.

 "It came to a point where I felt I needed to be alone, work solo again like old times and being in a group really wasn't my thing, for now." Many Gotham residents are obviously breathing a sigh of relief as one of the city's more active vigilantes will still be patrolling the night streets for criminals.


  1. I actually understand, PM. I really do. We're just glad you're OK. you know we've got your back regardless. and you've always got an open invitation to run with The Coalition.

  2. Thanks Force, but as of right now Ill be firing my guns alone. Ill be on the PS3 Server "No Mans Land" my psn: TheDoughBoii

  3. Dangit! we're on The Killing Joke for PVP. Birthright for PVE events.

  4. Glad to see you are ok! Im on NML also, I hope to run into you and team up with you soon, Im always here to help!
