Wednesday, February 16, 2011

RedStar praises Heroes on Oprah

One of the three surviving members of The Elementals, RedStar, praised the recent alliance of heroes and their efforts to stamp out the forces of evil in an interview on Oprah yesterday.

"There couldn't be a better way to honor the memories of my fallen comrades that I can think of." the oldest member of The Elementals said, "There's no doubt that there are four faces looking down from heaven smiling right now." he said, almost breaking down in tears. The remaining members of the superteam (RedStar, Caliber and Brute) have gone underground an into hiding since a still-unknown assassin started picking them off one-by-one. Atleast one hero has disappeared in connection with the search for the killer.


  1. I wish the remaining members of the Elementals the best of luck. I can only pray that the killer is found before any further harm is done. The hearts of Meta Justice are with you.

  2. props to the hero alliance too.

  3. i thought oprah stopped doing her show? or has that not happened yet?
