Thursday, February 24, 2011

Security Camera gets image of Elemental Killer!

The most compelling and brutal story of the modern era may be reaching its conclusion soon. A security camera near the scene of the The Elemental, Brute's murder, may have gotten the first images of the now infamous killer of five members of the besieged superteam.

The grainy photo shows a masked behemoth wearing a trenchcoat, and carrying what seems to be twin SMGs and although the light was low some manner of body armor can be seen. Green Arrow of the Justice League was the first to comment. "Now we know what this guy looks like, you better believe it gets us that much closer to bringing this to an end." Security forces, media and the superhero community were quick to get the photo out to as many media outlets as possible in hopes that someone would be able to identify the suspect. "Its only a matter of time before we get a break in this case." commented Wonder Woman.


  1. Prepare for what is to come. I see a shadow falling on this one, the shadow of the reaper...

  2. Hmmmm... This guy looks familiar.

  3. Lets find him and put him down for good. We need to end this, permanently.

    OOC: Dudes, Aduro got me to 30 last night, but we ended up being to tired to continue playing. I'm gonna roll on tonight around 10pm, and I hope these mics don't have issues. You guys are gonna laugh at my Canadian accent, lets play some DCUO, aye?

  4. Because I still can't remember the incident, I still can't recall if this is the guy I encountered that night, but make no mistake--he's not to be underestimated.

    No sweat, DD. and your accent is cool bro. We've all seen Fargo :)

  5. ooc: what server is this on? i was thinking of making a char. outside of the drama of los vs. everyone.

  6. This is taking place on "The Killing Joke" server.

  7. ......i'm going to hunt this bastard down!
    now i that i solved the mystery for my self

    -Black azure

  8. solved it? who is he?
