Monday, August 22, 2011

DP Blog Interview: Private Masque

Good day ladies and gentlemen! It's been a longtime since we've put anything solid down in the blog but even in our absence, the streets of Gotham and Metropolis remain abuzz with rumors, news, etc. For our inaugural return to the printing presses, we decided we should start out one interview of a hero who has also been away for awhile but has recently returned to hit the streets again to take down crime. Private Masque contacted us to have a sit down with him (in an undisclosed location of course) to answer a few questions that might have been rattling around the minds of our readers. 

Private Masque, you've been absent from the streets of Gotham and Metropolis for over few months now. What have you been up to?

"When i first made an appearance, I had wore the mask to roughly take down those who tend to cause trouble. I believed that hurting those who hurt others would make them think twice next time they try to pull off something I wouldn't like. But after meeting a special person, I decided to hang up the Mask and work on my inner self. I studied many ways to control my past emotions, which only focused on revenge, and journeyed around the world to understand my true self, and to figure out who I really am."

What made you decide that NOW was the time to come back?

"After months of being lost, I feel that right now I am who I should of been a long time ago. I have a straight mind and one objective to complete and that's to serve and protect, the right way."

Are you still with the Coalition or have you joined the Others again?

"I decided to go solo, I believe I'm not ready to join a group as of yet. But maybe in the future."

Can you give more insight as to why you left both superhero teams?

"I apologies but Its personal, the only thing I can shared is that solo is where I should be."

Do you plan on going solo, will you be giving your former comrades a call, or do you plan on starting your own team?

"I might work here and there with a few old friends like Moon Hawk, the Peacewalker and Frostress. I might even partner up soon with everyone's favorite firestar, so keep an eye on that. But as of right now I'm going solo."

What do you think about the rumors surrounding the dismissal of VRA and the restructuring of the MFC?

"I try to avoid that subject as much as I can, so no comment."

Do you have a plan of attack to take down all that have seem to just have appeared out of no where?


How long does Private Masque plan on being around?

"As of right now all I can say is that the doors to my journey have just opened, giving me access to the hero world. So I'll be sticking around for as long as my body can take it, I'm not Superman you know -laughs- I'm only human."  -Smiles-

A very telling interview indeed. and this won't be the last! We have to thank Masque for being gracious enough to sit down with us and let us know what has been going on with him. It seems like he's done a lot of soul searching and is now ready to body slam, punch, and kick criminals around with a renewed purpose. We look forward to hearing more about Masque in the future.

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