Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wayne visits the Daily Planet !

The current owner of the Daily Planet, Billionaire Mogul Bruce Wayne, made a surprise appearance at the offices yesterday. It was refreshing to see Mr. Wayne, since it has been some time since the boss has graced us with a personal visit. The building was buzzing.....

Lois Lane and Clark Kent were especially surprised to see Mr. Wayne. They exchanged pleasantries and had an opportunity to catch up on some old times.

However, before he left, Mr. Wayne and Mr. Kent had a private meeting in the Executive Office Wayne had installed after taking over the Daily Planet. The meeting was very hush-hush. Many are speculating that Mr. Kent may actually be getting a much deserved promotion. We can't say for sure, but whatever the case may be, their meeting must have been important to have Mr. Wayne travel all the way from Gotham City. Only time will tell. This is Bob Harley signing out.....

P.S. Mr Wayne, how about that raise ?


  1. Wayne in Metropolis on short notice.....very interesting....interesting indeed....

  2. (Reads paper).....Bruce Wayne....that's a name I haven't heard in some time.....So he comes to my city....maybe I should visit his....Ha Ha ha !

  3. bravo! mr. wayne is a credit to the business world.
