Saturday, May 12, 2012

New Suspect in Phipher Murder?

After five months, Gotham Police Department Commissioner Gordon has announced that the PD has new leads in the murder of Gotham vigilante Phipher, who was mysteriously murdered last year.

"We have reason to believe that we might have leads on a suspect in this high profile case. We will provide information after we've completed our investigation so that all citizens may be alerted," Gordon, said.

Who is this new suspect and how will the super hero community respond to another one of their own being a suspect? Stay tuned and sound off in the comments below about who YOU think the suspect is!


  1. This shite again?! Let it fuckin die man. We all know that Flameman is da murder! Just let it go.

    PS: having the guy who was the prime suspect in the fiirst place right a story trying to pin the murder on someone else is stupid. Hahahahaaaa

  2. I'm a staff writer now since things have been going slow, we've had this idea for a while now, not to mention my character has already been proven innocent and was always innocent.
