Thursday, October 28, 2010

Interview: Green Kaoz of The Others

Recently Daily Planet reporter Jake Miller had the opportunity to have the infamous vigilante Green Kaoz do a write-in interview in response to his recent editorial "Green Kaoz: Savior or Menace?" allegedly a member of the mysterious vigilante sect The Others. Unfortunately, Green Kaoz wasn't at all cooperative in  his response interview, read the details below.

1. How long do you think you can run from the authorities and criminals alike?
Look, I’m a little confused as to why you'd want to talk to me.  I’ve yet to encounter The Others, and quite frankly I don’t think they even exist.  Could you just leave me alone?  I’m trying to see what's going on...  this is my territory and I’ve got to take care of it.

3. During a recent bank robbery, a masked vigilante was charged with felony obstruction when his action contributed to the deaths of four civilians, do the activities of people like you do more harm than good?
Sounds to me like he didn’t know what he was doing.  I don’t have the time for fools who play with fire, especially if they don’t know that they can get burned, or for that matter can get someone else burned.

4. What inspired the name Green Kaoz? Does it have a symbolic meaning?
Ultimately, the goal is liberty. I believe in freedom from the restraint of this authoritarian society.  Facing today's issues, I felt there needed to be a defender of freedom against society's iron hand.

5. An FBI forensic psychologist recently profiled you as a dangerous sociopath with violent antisocial tendencies, care to comment?
Listen are you trying to get under my skin?  Sounds like some dope trying to justify his paycheck. 

6. A recent poll showed the public was not in support of masked vigilantes, your response?
I’ve known a few people that some call vigilantes.  They can be fun at a party.  As long as they leave me alone and don't interfere with business I don’t see the harm in them.

7. Commissioner Gordan frowns on the activities of many vigilantes publicly, does this concern you?
Gordon is a puppet to those truly controlling society. Follow the money and you will see who controls Gordon.

8. Many of the very people you allegedly protect are frightened by you, why?
Protect?  I guess I’ve done some protecting.  Fear can be useful.

9. What's the ultimate goal of a group of individuals like The Others?
The Others?  Urban myth, pure fantasy. Never heard of them.

10. How do you balance the life of a vigilante with being a civilian as well?
I think you have me confused with someone else.  Like I said, I’m just trying to make a living in an oppressive society that refuses to give me the freedom to do as I please.

11. The family of a reputed mobster who had never been charged with a crime, recently filed a multimillion dollar wrongful death suit against the vigilante Acolyte, does this concern you?
That’s a lot of moola. I wonder if they have deep pockets.  Which family was that exactly..?

12. What motivated you to lead the life of a costumed vigilante?
I am many things, but a vigilante I am not.  I just like to have fun.

13. Won't your family and loved ones face retribution if your real identity is ever discovered?
Family?  I’m a free sort of spirit, don’t need to be weighed down by obligations.  Also, people in my line of work have a tendency to have a short lifespan.

14. You're obviously well-versed in the criminal underground here. Are there any criminal organizations the public needs to be on the lookout for?
I think there are many groups that I would look out for... mostly those who believe in or practice wanton destruction. I think we can get what we want without people picking up buses and throwing them (I know all I usually have to do is ask nicely and point these)…*pulling out his guns*

15. Many critics have said that masked superheroes shouldn't have police powers, whats your response?
I think that they should have the same power as anybody else no more no less. What makes the police so special?

16. Who's the most dangerous criminal in Gotham?
Like I said earlier, I find myself with little patience for wanton destruction and those working in my territory, so I would lean towards Joker.  His version of crime hurts those in it for the money and freedom.  I know you are going to say he is chaotic; but he is destructive in his chaos otherwise I think we would get along fine.

17. Have you ever taken the life of a criminal?
Sometimes you got to do what you got to do. Personally... no comment.

18. Who's you're biggest criminal nemesis, and why?
Anyone who won’t pay me to work in my territory.  I’m an equal opportunity freedom fighter.

19. There have been reports of The Green Kaoz for more than 40 years, how long have you been active?
I heard rumors about someone long ago that went by the name but I’m not that old.  It was the exobyte wave that made me decide to become Green Kaoz. I view the event as another of "the man's" methods taking over more of our society, stealing even more freedom from me.

20. Why the need to work outside the law?
Have you heard the one about our oppressive government; if we got rid of it there would be no need for guys like me.

21. What super abilities do you possess?
Superpowers? I just like roof tops and guns.  I work hard for my money and I’m just trying to carve out my little niche.

22. The Joker has said he will murder any and all Gotham heroes, how have you survived this long?
Me?  Hero?  I suppose I am a freedom fighter for my own little bit of chaos.  If Joker wasn’t so destructive, I think we would get along well. He tells funny jokes.

23. What's your relationship with the sanctioned groups like The PeaceKeepers?
So you see, they are just another group representing an authoritarian society.  I have no relationship with them (and as long as they stay away from my territory we will get along just fine).

24. A new wave of heroes seems to be appearing in Gotham, what's your opinion of them?

Heroes, villains, and anyone else in between, we are just people.
Look I answered your questions and I still don’t know why you wanted to talk to me.  I’m a freelancer. Personally, I don’t see myself as good or bad. You want to know why I fight for or against some people? It's simple... sometimes we can have common goals.

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