Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Suggestion: More Physics

We've received high number of emails regarding some of the lack of physics with the release of the footage from IGN's Live DCUO Demo from the beta. My opinion is this: "Relax, its still the beta people, it's supposed to have kinks, glitches and other little elements that need fixing. That's what beta is FOR." many of these so-called issues are going to be worked out. TRUST ME.

We received this email from Edward who's currently playing in the PC Beta. "While the environments are KILLER, having the ability to jump from the top of a skyscraper and not die was a little disheartening. My character Shadowknight is a Nightwing-style martial artist who could easily die from a gun or a knife. He doesn't have invulnerability or anything like that. When i hit the ground i should have been dead. END OF STORY. I don't see what the big deal is, with the respawn times being as short as they are the only thing dying from a fall like that teaches us is NEWSFLASH: you cannot leap a tall building in a single bound--which i'm totally OK with! The game is great and will be a classic, but they really need to add physics, knockback and fall damage to bring it full circle with just a touch of realism. If people make characters who can survive that kind of thing? COOL. But not everyone wants to go that route."

He brings up some good points, and how cool would knockback be? Super-strong characters sending guys flying with one swing of their fists is soooo comic-book. But again. Its still beta people, its totally OK to point out things like this that need fixing, but with the great job they've done presently I don't doubt it'll be a non-issue at release time.


  1. here! here! i can't wait to toss someone off a bridge!

  2. I'm currently in the beta. and all I can tell you is this;you guys are gonna love this game.

  3. i'm in beta as well. but he's right..."squishys" need to respawn after falls like that.

  4. I totally agree with this. acrobats gliding? for short distances maybe. I'm an acrobat and i don't like this. I shouldn't be able to leap from the top of the Daily Planet.

  5. agreed, hopefully it gets fixed.

  6. good point. they need to change that.
