Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Lost Power Files: Telekinesis and the ability to Manipulate objects

This one's gonna be tough.

We understand why Telekinesis (or its equivalent) wasn't one of the initial abilities added to the Pantheon of Powers in DCUO. Its’s really hard to implement. Here's the problem, it’s one of the "core" superhero abilities--so it almost HAS to be added. There will be too many fans who won't get to design their characters properly because this super-popular ability isn't in the game. It's almost the equivalent of not having utility belts as an accessory! The ability to move objects with our minds or some other source is too much a part of the superhero mythology. The other part that’s almost as big? People’s desire to craft their characters properly. It just isn’t going to be the same if people have to make dramatic adjustments to how their characters looks or operates from a power perspective. Especially if they’re paying 15 bucks a month. “We’ve decided to leave that out” just won’t suffice. They’ll expect things like that to be added post-release if they’re to remain customers. I’ve got a friend who’s hero has the emblem of an ankh, if he’s not able to add it to his character, it’s going to be an ISSUE for him. PERIOD.

But there is an alternative, add it and implement it well post-release. The Force Unleashed 2 Demo has a well-done telekinesis ability that allows you to manipulate and throw items very well. It’s the best I’ve ever seen. Now it’ll mean allowing some items to be picked up and used as weapons (and the enemy) but these will essentially be the items that gameplay already lets us manipulate so it shouldn’t be too difficult. Here’s to hoping we’ll see Telekinesis added not to far after release—it’s a more than worthy addition.


  1. uh... Telekinesis is one whole branch of the Mental Power (Illusion being the other branch).

    So, BOOM! Added. Happy to help you out.

  2. Yeah but what if they're aren't any physics objects around to use? That's the real issue with telekinesis in my mind, you need to rely on the world for ammunition, that doesn't help in a fight out in the middle of the water or up in the sky, or on the top of a's a bigger problem than it seems.

  3. You can pick up your opponents, too. There are like 11 powers in the Telekinesis branch, surely one or two of them will do what you are hoping for. Don't panic yet.

  4. sweet. good info, Precision!

  5. nice of you to drop by and clear that up for us, i'm sure more than a few TK users just pumped their fists on that one.
