Sunday, December 26, 2010

Addonexus' Impressions

Recently we sat down with frequent DCUO Source poster se_gul and got some of his thoughts on playing in the closed beta version of DCUO. Use the link below for the entire interview.

1. How long have you been in the beta so far? I've been playing since day 1 of the beta invites for PS3.

PS3 or PC player? PS3.

PVE or PVP Server? PvP no doubt.

What have you been most impressed with so far? This is my first hero MMO and honestly flight in general I think is amazing... I still think "wow" when I start to fly @ sonic speed.

Were you able to make your character "live" from Customization/Creation standpoint? Yes I was! Not exactly, but pretty damn close. Any one that is familiar with my character will recognize him right away in DCUO.

6. What's your opinion of the combat? It’s a breath of fresh air from turn-based combat, but I'm not a big fan of the targeting system.

What things are missing or overlooked so far? I think the chat system needs to be looked @ again it’s a bit tedious.

Any major glitches you've encountered yet? I was loading into Gotham after a battle with Poison Ivy and ended up in the city and couldn't get back to the real world.

9. Rate your DCUO experience from a 1-10. 10 so far, I'm honestly loving it.

What’s your opinion of the graphics? The graphics aren't god of war graphics but it’s great and still full of detail.

Have you gotten the chance to use any of the group features? I did, I was in a group and we had mics that made life so much easier!

What do you think of the social features, like Shout, ect? It seems typical for a MMO but again typing for ps3 is tedious lol.

What's your take on the controls? Are they intuitive enough for you? Does it feel like enough skill is involved? The controls are pretty intuitive, and yes to when a PvP fight you do need some skill to pull off a win.

What do you think of the menu system? I find the menu system is okay except that it lags a bit.

What changes or adjustments would you like to see after some of your experiences? I'd love to see shazam activation time decreased it seems like a long wait for it to execute. But I could be biased cause of my character’s powers are similar to that lol.

Are you proficient Equipping Items, Adding Skills and Changing Loadouts? Yeah it doesn't seem too bad, it can be done fast, but that lag slows it down a bit.

Were you able to adapt pretty quickly without a tutorial? Yeah and the first 15-20 or less of the game you really learn almost everything and you don't realize so much.

What elements are the most well-done in your opinion? The most well done? The cities, they are awesome.

What's your opinion of the In-Game economy so far? I haven't had the chance to use the auction yet but the cash flow seems to be right, I'm just scared of how bad inflation could get.

Have you Traded any items yet? Have you given an item to someone in greater need? I haven't yet unfortunately.

Some people have complained about the text being to small, do you agree? Yes, way too small.

Does the game have enough DEPTH for the hardcore? I think it does as long as new material is coming out every 3-months or so.

Is it user-friendly and easy-to-learn enough for the Casual? Very user-friendly, my girl caught on quick and she doesn't play games she just wanted to fly around for a bit lol.

Have you had the opportunity to explore the environments yet? I have but not all of it. On one occasion I bumped into Akillo and he's by far the toughest opponent my character fought, but won in the end, with some help that is.

Have you taken any in-game screen-shots yet? I'm not sure how to take screen-shots on the PS3, I'm still trying to figure that one out.

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