Monday, December 27, 2010

Elementals Duo MURDERED!

In a stunning development no one expected, Sarah Smith and Dwight Toler, both members of the Elemental's superteam that had their identities compromised just last week, were found murdered. Elemental's spokesmen confirmed the two were in hiding at a safehouse in Metropolis after their true identities were revealed a little over a week ago. Several hero teams have spoken out not only about the unfortunate turn of events, but of the actions of several media outlets that may have contributed to the circumstances. Superman chimed in early, "Free Speech let us down today, its important that great power always be tempered with great wisdom." The other members of the Supergroup, were apparently distraught, but Infinity vowed to bring the killer to justice. "There isn't anywhere on earth he or she can go to hide from us." the team leader stated. He also added that "The media shares some responsibility in this, your hands aren't clean--not for a minute."

Sources revealed early that a "super" was almost certainly behind the killings, and that experimental chemEVO rounds were found at the scene. There was evidence of a struggle and both The PeaceKeeper and Destra were known to be veteran superheroes with abilities that probably wouldn't make a normal person a viable threat to them unless they were caught by total surprise. Wonder Woman offered her condolences and also confirmed that the hero community was "banning together to support The Elementals." and that the remaining members of the team would be kept in protective custody until further notice.

The Washington Post offered their condolences as well, but made certain not to accept any responsibility.


  1. When Destra and The PeaceKeeper were killed, I knew we had reached a point of no return. A boundary had been crossed. Innocence had been lossed that none of us would ever regain. looking back I should have known better. They had killed Policemen, Senators...hell even Presidents. It was only a matter of time before they started killing Superheroes.

    --From the Diary of Force

  2. Free speech shouldn't override an individual's right to privacy. The Post has clearly broken laws and needs to be punished.

  3. Journalists are required to protect undercover police officers and other law enforcement agents aren't they? Why not heroes? People already sacrificing so much to protect citizens? Now they have to worry about journalists revealing their identities? What about their families? Something needs to happen to prevent tragedies like this from ever happening again.
