Friday, December 31, 2010

The Coalition looking for Answers

Our sources report that street criminals and supervillains alike are on high alert. Apparently the vigilante group known as The Coalition is supremely focused in search of leads pointing them in direction of the "Elemental Killer". Three members of the supergroup The Elementals, have already fallen and no one knows if the remaining members are targets as well. The Coalition, usually confined to Gotham, are reportedly storming the streets of both cities in search of information. Numerous informants have been "roughed up" and the supervillains Golgothan, Hollowman, Zero K, Atom Smasher and Lx were among many that were found bound and gagged, for authorities.

A frequent informant for authorities spoke to us under condition of anonymity. "Those guys are on the warpath man..The streets ain't safe right now. They got questions, and they ain't takin' NO for an answer, you follow?"  We'll supply more details as they become available.


  1. So sad. =(
    The poor heroes fall down and hurt themselves.

    The light of good is meant to fuel the fires of his dark coming. Beware heroes of light, we have many champions to serve the same dark goal.

    So try and stay alive a little. Can't have some party pooper taking ALL my fun.

  2. Heroes and their emotions, tiresome creatures.

  3. "you broke my fuckin' jaw!" the thug exclaimed. Force's blank expression never wavered. "We need answers...NOW. The only question is whether or not you'll give them to us before I break something else. YOUR CHOICE."

  4. Interviewer: "Superion what are your thoughts on The Coaliion's warpath"

    Superion: "They have my assistance if they need it"

  5. Patrolman Eddy double-checked his clipboard and then walked into the commissioner's office. "Ok Sir, our cleanup crews--because that's what we're calling the team we've got patrolling the city for these battered supervillains--have picked up seven more "bad masks" so far...we've got Kid Kool, Pimp Juice, Wild King, Black Flash, DeathReaper, shadow1965...and Dark Harbinger, who says she wants to press charges against these Coalition guys." The Commissioner sighed "Heavy Duty Lockup until the bigwigs get here." Patrolman Eddison nodded his head. "Copy that sir. Consider it done. These vigilante guys are on a regular heroic all-nighter, huh? Oh and sir? This DeathReaper guy is being kept under anesthesia, he's much too dangerous for any cell we'd try to put him in."
