Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Bio: Black Leviathan

Before I became “The Biblical Beast”, Black Leviathan...(insert a pause) I was an accountant! (laughs)

I was actually mildly successful young man, with a Fiance, and was in line for a Big Fat promotion...until the Exobytes. After gaining my new powers from the Exobytes, I also transformed into the scaled figure before you now. My Boss, my Co-Workers, “Friends”, my Love they where more or less frightened by my new appearance. I do not know if they knew that it was me... or perhaps it was easier to think I was dead or Missing than what I had turned into. I sense Empathically that my new “look” was simple undesirable for a few...
Honestly, I was scared and confused. I did not ask for this. I had lost everything I had worked so hard for. I spent a good amount of time in deep thought or ... mourning maybe... underwater near Strikers Island. During that time it was in the cold depths of the water that perhaps made it easier to swim into the fathoms of my own Heart and realize I wanted all those things still, I wanted the Big Position in the Company, I wanted to be Rich, to have what I wanted and when I wanted it, I wanted Power... and I had received it. It was time to use it for a purpose.

Some how... I ended up one of Brainiac's Ships. I met a... good Friend that helped me find my way out.
I also met a man that I am Inspired by, Mr. Luthor. When I was freed from the Ship, I found a great deal of Purpose and Potential through my new found acquaintances.(Smiles)

I remember doing some “Work” around the Meta research center, getting my scales wet and getting jumped to a bloody pulp by a team of “Heroes”. These guys where so strong... amazingly... I was learning fast that I was not the only one with Power. I also found that I was not above feeding off morsels and scraps left from clashes between Heroes and Villains to complete my objectives.
I did have the power to do whatever I could, when I could, to survive and grow in this world saturated with Super Powered Justice Brigades and Ruthless Mongers and Leeches. It was up to my own Desire, Will, and Strength to rise above destitution, mediocrity, and victimization.

After receiving enough blows to the head and learning how to give them, I gained the attention of The Legion of Sin. I found other strong individuals that where ready to take what they felt was rightfully theirs by force! I do not hold a grudge on Heroes... I do not hate them even. It is simply most advantageous to align myself with pillars of strength against Self Righteous, Fear Mongering, Vengeful, Slave Mentality Ridden, individuals or just numerous oppositions that may arise in my way.

Life is sinfully much sweeter.