Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Legion of Sin Issues New Threat

Could there be another hero funeral on the horizon?

Our offices received another message from the Legion of Sin with some rather frightening imagery. Many in the superhero community are enraged given the timing. The funeral of the popular member of The Elementals, SureShot, was just yesterday. Representatives of the JLA desribed it as "senseless and preposterous". Is this new generation of villains bold enough to bait heroes this blatantly? It appears so. We'll do our best to reach out to the representatives of the two superteams that were mentioned specifically in the eerie message (The JLA, Dream Team and Meta-Justice) for their comments on the situation.

This is Lois Lane reporting for the Daily Planet.


  1. It's always Meta Justice and Dream Team, how many times are ya'll gonna issue a threat?

  2. by nature, threats are not to be taken lightly.

  3. We have never felt you were a threat. Your use of illegal narcotics in the past gave you the only advantage you ever had. You would like to think that throughout the hero community your name is spoken only in whispers because of the fear you perceive to entail but it is spoken through loud, boisterous laughs as you've been reduced to the simple low-level gankers you are. You are nothing more than parasites among the Titans of this world.

  4. Before i post i just want to say i am no part of LOS. First. I hope they do go after Meta-Justice. They are the hero form of LOS. Idk how many times villains have been called to a place cause of ganking that when you get there it turns out to be high level Meta-Justice doing it. Ive had my run ins with them. They really aint that good 1v1. They are just like LOS. Without numbers they are nothing. As for LOS. So many villains wish you could attack fellow villains so we can kill LOS. They are the most annoying and childish of them all. They are the most looked down upon league on the villain side. Nobody even respects that joke of a league. This site gives them way to much credit. I understand its RP but rp about a different league on the villian side.

  5. Idle threats from lowlife scum who run when they face a real challenge.

    Meta Justice has a standing policy to fight and destroy evil no matter what form it takes. As our motto goes "We see red it's dead".

  6. I kill every villain no matter what their level

  7. Yet when villians do it to you you all whine about it. Makes perfect sense. That shows how pathetic your league leaders are. The rule the league im in goes by is Never attack lower then 6 lvls below you unless they issue the first strike. Its sad that your leagues have to beat up on low lvl toons. Does that make you feel better being a lvl 30 ganking lvl 8s? Your league should be on the villian side cause thats not a just cause to attack. See red its dead is a retarded motto. Plus its also why when you get in a pvp even against same levels you get smashed. I done the 8v8 pvp last night. Ran into about 3 or 4 of Meta Justice. We had over 800 points left when the heroes counter hit 0. Shows how skilled they are. lmao.

  8. Yeah cause villains NEVER complain about ganking. That was sarcasm. Legion of Sin focuses on group attacks and empty threats. So what if Meta Justice ganks? I don't approve of it but if you bash them for it you need to bash the Lot Of Stooges for it too! If you are a villain you still shouldn't gank.
    So when is this next "funeral" gonna happen?

  9. I honestly can't say I agree with Meta Justice's motto. And I personally don't attack villains no matter the level, but to each there own, right? The only time I'll go so far as attack a lower level is he or she is attacking even lower levels and if they attack me. I usually block, but if they are persistent, well then... Flame has a point as well. Make an apples to apples compression. Some Leagues and Legions gank, trust me, I've been on both sides of the sword. Correct me if I'm wrong, but does Meta Justice go out specifically looking to attack lower levels? I've heard of single members going about it taking the "We see red it's dead" motto to heart. But as a whole, do they?

  10. Stepping out of character for this one.

    One thing I think "Anonymous" is missing in this whole thing is that this is a mmo ROLE PLAYING GAME. Meta Justice operates under the same modus operandi that Superman does. Do you think Superman would fly by a carjacking and think "he's way below my level, maybe Booster Gold can take care of it"? Of course he doesn't.

    Speaking for myself personally, I don't go out of my way to hunt down low level characters. If I'm flying through town and one passes near me and I notice he's 12th lvl, I won't bother giving that much chase other than to spook them. If I fly over an area where I see villains attacking Sentinals of Magic, Star Labs, or Gotham PD, I will join into the fray and help those factions out. That's what a hero does. It doesn't matter what level they are. Superman stops burglaries and gets kittens out of trees for crying out loud. Do you think he'd pass over a supervillain, even a low level one, and not help those the villain is attacking? Please.

    Also, "Ananymous", are you considering shouts for aid as ganking as well? Let's take what is probably the most contested piece of territory into consideration for a minute, the Science Police HQ. A shout goes out, hero or villain, that there are a large number of opposing forces there and help is needed. Are you saying that, as a community, hero or villain, that anybody responding to this call should only be of comparative level as those who would typically be in that area? Doesn't make for a very strong community bonding moment when somebody says "sorry, they're to low of a level for me to attack them so you're sol, buddy".

    As for whining and crying about ganking, the only one that's done that so far in this discussion is you, "Anonymous".

  11. Haters gonna hate.
    Heroes gonna hate.

    Villains even hate on villains? That bothers me the most. We are supposed to be a team here.

    And to the jokes that call themselves heroes. How many beat downs do you have to take to LoS before you shut up? You guys lie and babble about what you do, but when you get beat it turns into excuses. But I got better saying "Kids are gonna be Kids."

  12. Beat downs from the LOS? Maybe once, I remember it was 5 to 1 though, kinda obvious I was gonna get beat down, no? I've faced other villains factions before, and those fights were fun. When a lone LOS member catches me, we fight and he runs. Oh, and I don't lie or babble, what's the point when it's a game? But it must feel great to get that off your chest, huh? "Heroes gonna hate." "Kids are gonna be kids." Feel better now? Well I do. Oh wait, hold up, stop a minute. Maybe I don't. I just wish you could make a profile, publish your name like the rest of us so we can know just how bad ass you are. You got my name, you know where I am. You and hundreds of your members can all come at me one time, maybe that will make you feel better? The only member of the LOS I have respect for is Black Leviathan, cause he backs himself up, oh and wait. How do I know his name? Good question, he published it. If every member in LOS was like him maybe, just maybe we could call you a threat, and other villains would respect you. So stop presuming things first off, and next time you make a video make sure it's not at a hero start point and make sure all the heroes you fight are high 20s or 30s and yeah, guess what might happen? People will take notice of you for the RIGHT reasons, or just keep at what your doing now. As far as I'm concerned, it makes no difference.

  13. Black Hornet is a good pvper as well and I have respect for him. I don't know if he's posted here or not, but I've met him "on the battlefield" and he's damn good. I don't know if this is the same Anonymous that's been posting, but to go from being all up on their pedestal to being straight up gangsta is laughable. Now who's acting like a kid?

  14. Anonymous has obviously gotten destroyed many times by Meta Justice. I my self have been beaten many times as I'm sure most people have.

    Why else would he be on here crying like a little pussy cat under anonymous? You dont see anyone else here doing it. He must not only be soft in the game but soft in real life as well. Hiding behind anonymous. Everyone can talk tough as anonymous and those are the ones that usually hide out in the crawl space of a basement with a small modem.

  15. I hate the L.O.S., but I do give them credit for working well together as a team. Also I have fought some tough one on ones with them lost some and won some..just the way it goes.

  16. I'd like to point out that we have beaten LOS multiple times in the STAR Labs PvP arena. I also don't go out of my way to attack lowbies. I was helping a member level a new character and when we came out of an instance we were attacked by about 5 level 17s and 18s. I barely broke a sweat defeating all of them and yet they all came back. It was a good effort and it was organized. It wasn't LOS, but they put up a good fight. I try to 1v1 LOS members but once I start beating them they run. And I have to agree that Black Hornet is a very strong PvP player and I respect that. And I have not heard of any of my members purposely going out of their way to gank lowbies so to hear these comparisons to LOS are quite entertaining. Our alliance with Dream Team is based on Meta Justice providing the numbers to back Dream Team's strength. I've never sunk to LOS's level and had to cheat to enjoy playing the game. Keep the threats coming. Grow a pair and register your name instead of hiding behind anonymous. Just lets me know I'm on the right track.

  17. And to the Daily Planet:
    If you would like to reach me for comment, my e-mail is on my profile here. Feel free to shoot me a line.

  18. Less QQ more Pew Pew.
    LoS issuing threats against Meta Justice? And we're supposed to "take it seriously"? What are they gonna do? "Knock Out" my hero? Honestly if I was scared of punks I wouldn't have rolled on a PvP server :P Bring it LoS everytime I see you guys I pwn you...

  19. I prefer to lurk in the shadows like a true villain. Its not hard to realize who I am. I beat people and get dissed for it. And only a fool would want respect from liars. Like you all. It is a game, but lies are lies and you know who your are.

    I'll leave you a riddle.

    I am the one that you have seen but not heard
    I am there when you lose your nerve
    you have lied on me like a roll of the dice
    but when the money turns bloody you pay the price

    Bye Bye

  20. I prefer to hide my identity so that no one may lay the blame for my cowardice personally upon me. I like to make broad accusations toward mysterious somebody's that may not even exist.

    I'll leave you a rhyme.

    I am the one who likes to QQ
    I talk a big talk but I'm just level 2
    I wish my name were synonymous with fear
    But I suck so I post anonymous here

  21. wistal from meta justice here. ive been away so i havent read the paper in awhile but im glad i did any time any place LoS id be more then happy to take u guys down ive gotten bored of beating on trigon, brother blood and harley quinn
