Monday, January 10, 2011

Legion of Sin Issues Threat!

Before the deaths of Infinity, The PeaceKeeper and Destra, a threat like the one mailed to our offices yesterday would go largely ignored or added to the many threats heroes receive on a daily basis. In these days and times, where people have made costumed heroes targets, they have to be taken as a viable threat that cannot be ignored or taken lightly. What we received seven hours ago can only be described as a threat on the lives of one of the more popular superhero teams in Metropolis: The Dream Team.

Be forewarned, the images we're about to print may be offensive to some. A burning Legion Of Sin image with the world in flames and a red X through the names of The Dream Team. We've reached out to Arcanious and Eliphaz for comment and we've even touched bases with our underworld contacts to see if there are any more communications from the group many consider to be the biggest threat on our city streets.

More news as it becomes available.


  1. Eliphaz- -Dust his shoulders off-. With the use of burn and G.l.i.t.c.h. allmost non-existent at this time, and the majority of los members still in treatment recovering from its effects, i hardly feel this threat should be taken seriously at all.
    However i might add that a threat is un-neccessary- for wherever evil arises, whenever there is a abuse of power, whatever form evil embodies - Dream Team will be there ready.

  2. "The boldness of this Legion of Sin makes me sick to my stomach. They won't hunt heroes, The Coalition simply won't allow it. I'm ready for a return to the times when villains operated in the shadows and scurried underground like rats, and i'm more than willing to sacrifice a member of this group to return to them. We can't allow their false bravado to motivate other villains"

    --from the diary of Force

  3. Sounds like somebody needs to be put in a full body csst.

  4. Here we go again time for calling us out already just wait 19 hours patience LOS

  5. The Dream Team isn't threatened by LoS. This league values quality over quantity, and you can swell your numbers all you want but you won't stop us.

  6. I've seen enough super powered junkies on both sides shivering and shaking on the pavement from "the Burn".
    I am not suprised to hear Propoganda from "Authorities" making a cover up story that LoS are junkies in rehab.
    Nobody wants to let out the truth that a real Power beyond whatever spun-angle is being pitched...

    With Super Powered Teams like The Dream Team and The Coalition rolling around "Patrolling", ('The Capes' word for a good ol' fashion Lynch Mob)of course the only option is... to go to War.

    Word on the Underground... beware of who you get busted by. Heroes are planting Burn on people to feed the Propaganda Machine and press false charges.
    See... we are not so different.

    We'll see you all soon.
    -Black Leviathan

  7. “Even in a hero's heart, Discretion is the better part” - Charles Churchill

  8. someone leaked this because they are afraid of the Legion.

    And they should be.

  9. I got a message for the snitch or snitches that leaked this. You had better watch yourself because when we find you, you and your superhero tree house will fall and run like the cowards you really are.
    Really, heroes? Spies? That's just low, even for you guys and from a villain, that's saying something. - D

  10. There was no leak, nor any accusation of spies.

    It is just as Black Leviathan said "With Super Powered Teams like The Dream Team and The Coalition rolling around "Patrolling", ('The Capes' word for a good ol' fashion Lynch Mob)of course the only option is... to go to War."

    I can only add:

    Those who think to take this matter lightly, beware of your pompous indifference. I assure you we are not to be trifled with. So do so at your own risk. For the next time we meet, you will be kneeling before us.

  11. LoS is a bunch of smelly Gooches. Threat in numbers and none in skill. Get a life noobs.

  12. Smelly gooches, eh? Typical for a noob to start running at the mouth before he even knows what he's dealing with. Noobs like the above comment will also feel the merciless wrath of the Legion of Sin. It's only a matter of time.

  13. No matter what side you're all on, the lot of you are a menace to human kind. I hope both sides take casualties.

  14. :"Succeed in not fearing the lion, and the lion will fear YOU. Say to suffering, 'I will that you shall become a pleasure,' and it will prove to be such-- and even more than a pleasure, it will be a blessing"-eliphaz levi

  15. Legion of Sin is a disease, Dream Team and it's allies are the cure!

  16. Dream team is a bunch of wanna be heroes. Very few heroes should call themselves the name these days. Just a bunch of costume clowns. Only True Heroes can stand up to True Villains.

  17. Whoo...yeah, destroy Dream Team. I wish to see their demise LOS.

  18. The Paladin's 75th journal entry - "two sides continue to act as though this were a political issue, threats being made by bold, over-active villains has begun to start a cold war, and frankly, I do not like this. While my attention has been diverted to other matters, I believe that despite my surveilance by the JLA, I may have to step in, and stem this tide of fear before it is too late."

    Mechanicus' Log, January 10th 2011 - "These idiots call themselves villains, when really, they're just thugs. The elementals are dead, and these pseudo-tyrants hope to use fear to behead 'justice' and leave Anarchy a free and common hobby.

    I have seen countless uprisings such as this in my time.

    and just like them, I am SEVERELY unimpressed by this. Just like them, this 'legion' will crumble, and like always, no one will remember them when they're gone.

    I think it's time for me to step up my game, and show these children just how a real villain is meant to do things..."

  19. Drop'em and let God sort them out.
