Thursday, February 3, 2011

Apocalypto Issues Manifesto

The Daily Planet recently received a correspondence from someone claiming to be Apocalypto, the vicious leader of The Legion of Sin. This "manifesto" seems to outline (in a rambling, maniacal fashion) some of the villain's motivations and his way-of-thinking. It also mentions several hero groups that may be future targets.

As always, we'll report more details of this story as they become available.

If I had to distill my quotidian existence in two pithy sentences, I would say: I love to be hated and I hate to be loved.
 Hate is the complement of fear and I like being feared. It imbues me with an intoxicating sensation of omnipotence. I am veritably inebriated by the looks of horror or repulsion on heroes faces. They know that I am capable of anything. Godlike, I am ruthless. I am Apocalypto and this is the Legion Of Sin.

The blind rage that this induces in the targets of my vitriolic diatribes provokes in me a surge of satisfaction and inner tranquillity not obtainable by any other means. Meta Justice, Coalition, Dream Team, I like to think about their pain, of course - but that is the lesser part of the equation.

In general, my weapon is the truth and human. Gotham, Metropolis It all belongs to justice, no freedom...just Legion Of Sin. 


  1. now this is a joke.....right...... he likes to think of our pain......Really "drama queen"!!! Wow LOS must really be going down hill they sit around and think of men all day..... I got an idea A-poc
    RUN!!! HIDE!!!! The Coalition is coming for you and your band of day dreamers!

  2. It's nice to know that I'm in your thoughts A-Poc. Do you think of me in a maid's outfit dusting off your furniture too?! Just so you know A-Town, I can't wait to sink my fist in your face too! Ja mata nee, crazy guy.

  3. I don't think 'fear and pain' counts as a manifesto. It's barely a to-do list.

    Also, Apocalypto is a silly name and sounds like some sort of iced-lolly.

    Still, it's nice to know that if villains ever need an outlet for their pathological sesquipedalianism, they can just send a nice message to the folks at The Daily Planet, who gladly publicise vague and mostly pointless press releases regardless of content.

    ...No, really, sesquipedalianism. That's a word. Look it up.

  4. The Coalition. What a joke. Thats like saying Meta Justice is coming after us. LMFAO. We aren't scared. Why would we call you out if we was scared? Explain that to me. Oh wait you cant.

  5. Why come read the Daily planet if your just going to bad mouth it? Input aint your name. your to scared to show who you are. Meet any LOS in game and see what happens to ya. oh wait your to scared to show who you are my bad i forgot. If you want a story posted send it to their email. They will post it for ya

  6. "Fear is not a prerequisite to defeat. The Legion of Sin grows fat and lazy with the delight of their victories over heroes and other forces of justice. Their comeuppance will arrive soon enough, in the form of The Coalition's brand of justice."
    --from the Diary of Force

  7. you called us out we showed up u..........didnt
    so go lyfao at the little villians table and lets the grown folks talk zedigg

  8. You heroes need to stop worrying about how names sound and need to start worrying about the very real threat that is the Legion of Sin

  9. All of you little girlie hero ( Meta Woosies,
    Cockolition,etc.) Need to realize when LOS wants your feedback we will kick you in the knee and fuckstart your brain.

  10. LoS should make a hero group and show the heroes how it's done.

  11. Dear lord, please, PLEASE don't make a hero group! We can only take so much. Geezus, I think I had a minor heart attack.

  12. I'm not in LOS and i'm also a hero and i gotta say LOS ARE TOUGH!

  13. Spend as much time as they do on the PvP q's and maybe heroes will have a chance.

  14. Props to you Apocalypto, your a living legend

  15. It might be fun to have a friendly battle against our villains brothers. Seriously, the heroes ain't any better than the villains. They gank, they talk trash, they run. What's the difference? Few heroes act like heroes in this game.

  16. Living legend? Lets not get carried away here. It's to early for anyone to be making such bold notions.

  17. I dont know about all that now.

  18. Dude love him or hate him, you know him and you know about the Legion Of Sin, that legend status in my book.

  19. I'm glad you said "In my book." That clears things up nicely. Let talks in a year or so and I'll get your option again.

  20. Man all you heroes are a bunch of babies always crying about LOS. Hey maybe if you keep crying all your tears will flood midtown and drown out all the villains, other than that i don't see much hope for you fools. Stop Hating on Apocalypto and LOS...Man stop hating villains for that matter. Just accept the fact that we "ARE" better than you. ((((years from now))) "Anonymous" it will still be the exact same way. so go take your tampons out, wipe and go to sleep.

  21. lol its straight redrum on these heroes they don't stand a chance keep it up Apoc, you a beast!

  22. All I can say is actions speak louder than words, LoS are a force to be reckoned with. I've seen local news footage of LoS tearing shit up so I all I can do is re quote my first sentence...."actions speak louder than words".

  23. Apoc should win that Cartoning Contest he deserves it. Keep it up "I like to think about their pain" you sick bastard!!!

  24. haha you called us out? no, Dream Team called us out and you guys showed, and you guys lost. simple as that! I know this, i was there as a matter of fact Aduro i took you out twice single handed. Lemme show you how to tank haha. JOKE!!! Coalition, Meta Justice, Dream Team, F.L.A.G. you all only wish to be legion of sin, you only wish you had our numbers. but that will never happen. and dummy, i mean deacon... next time you try Japanese try spelling it correctly. "SEE YOU LATER!!!"


  25. Calling out Dream Team again come on LOS, Do you know how many I have taken out and bow at the end. Ring War you spawn one block away and heroes like 8 blocks away. should I continue.

    NeverMiss - Dream Team Tactician

  26. Zedigg, you ask why you would call us out if you were scared? If you aren't scared of Meta Justice, Coalition, or Dream Team, then why would you even bother calling us out? Because you are scared. No member of Meta Justice is scared of any member of LoS. We have faced you on the moon, at Star Labs, at Australia, and on the streets of Metropolis and we have stood triumphant more than we have lost.

    I have received numerous reports from my fellow league members of their own triumph over Apocalypto which reveals the true purpose of the Legion of Sin. To provide him protection. I myself have faced him in the past and he has fallen before my blazing justice. As have many other members of his protection force. As will many, many more.

    Continue to grand stand, Apocalypto. Perhaps one day, you will gain the confidence to actually back your words up with actions. Until then, your words are nothing but small talk from a small man.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Superpatriot your a joke and a nobody...turn your playstation off and go play some Mario galaxy & try to find you balls.

  29. Azriel, my command over Japanese may not be that great but your mastery of English grammar is retarded. Keep laughing it up and enjoy your message board victory, chump! The only win you'll get over me is in a spelling contest, not a 1-on-1 fight. Don't you have some "Burn" to sell anyway?

  30. Wow.

    For villains, you're all rather sensitive.

    And really, Apocalypto?

    'Try to find you balls'?

    Nice. You uh, you really got him there.

    Keep going though, it's only making LoS look like a group of twelve year olds. Very intimidating.

  31. Apocalypto are you talking from experience? then again you can have all your loyal members remove their heads out from your butt and find your balls.

  32. Azriel i think that you need to read the daily planet more often it says that the los RAN away you didnt even show up........ read the headlines bitch and take it like the little girls you are and run away you can talk the talk but i dont see you...........anywere.

  33. I remain, as always, unimpressed... Idle banterings of a delusional mind do not change facts that are very full of evidence: the primary fact being that a legion of 50 bajillion weaklings doesn't make a good legion... You say run into an LoS in game and see what happens? I have... and never once has one of your members defeated me 1vs1, we routinely thrash you in arenas, though you like to lie otherwise as is your villainous wont. Ask Hot Toddy what happened when we met on the highway... hey Hot Toddy was your sudden disconnect conveniently timed when u had 10% health and I was still 100% or what? Hey Furyan you like exploiting that Element platform on Moon Base don't you? That's the only safe place you can find...Dr. Manhattan you call yourself a healer? Haha I tell you what send me an email and I'll give you some pointers...

  34. CeREaL BoWL ASsASSiNFebruary 3, 2011 at 3:29 PM

    lol @ the comments. Ask yourself why do you hate los so much? Honestly what have we done to you guys to make you hate us? We dont go around making threads saying "LOS IS THE GREATEST" most of the threads you see about us is from people who dislike los.

  35. SuperPatriot you sir are a joke. Ive ran into numerous times when i was with FOE. Yeah you beat us but all it took was one game to figure out that Meta is so predictable. Once we figured out your easy strategy the game was done. We won 700+ to 0. The time you beat us you all only had 200+. I killed many of the Meta. heck the other night when we raided the midtown PD i seen at least 4 or 5 meta justice at start. They kept getting killed and guess what. They disappeared. How is that standing your ground? Same with dream team. There was a few of them there. I remember Merlin i believe is his name was the only one to stay while the others ran off with tails tucked. Sad thing. That wasnt even a true LOS raid. A few of us jumped in with a few of the Wutang Krew to do it.

  36. One more thing. All you haters LOS has a full time position for you. Keep giving us our rep. We love having all the Q_Q whine all the time cause they getting rolled over. Why 1v1 when you can have a army? You think a Army General is going to go fight someone one on one? No thats why they recruit. If your numbers dont meet up with the opponent then leave.Not to mention anyone with a brain knows a tank aint gonna beat a healer that knows how to play their role. A troller maybe but not as likely. Its a war out there. Not a hero crybaby fest. Well i guess if your a hero that is what it is to you guys. Ive read several threads where people say all heroes do on No Man Land is whine and dont group and complain and dont communicate. Proof of that is when we raid why would you not group in a whole and come take us out? Why does it take an hour just to get a group to push us away? Do that to the villains the raid is over in 5 mins.

  37. Sorry Larali I'm too busy scraping hero shit off my glowing blue feet to give a $#!% what you think of my healing skills. I must taste good or someshit cause you cant keep my name out your mouth. But in all seriousness, who are you? I must be doing something right, because you know me and I have not the slightest clue who you are.

  38. Oh how I am enjoying this post! Let's see, A-poc, even villains have said you are crap and your LACK OF GRAMMAR AND TYPING LIKE THIS proves our point. CeREaL BoWL ASsASSiN do you really wanna go there? Hmmm what have ya'll done to make everyone hate you? Exploit, cheat, lie, send incrimminating emails (Sound familar?), spam and troll on our guild threads (you are perma-banned from DCUOSource for a reason, cornflakes.),you won't fight one on one, and you cover up the fact that you have lost by saying "Oh, I got three hits on you and you K.O'd me, but I still beat you!". Get real! Ya'll are only good as a group, and if someone were to match your numbers, you would surely fall. Hard.
    As for Dream Team being weak, that is the biggest lie I've heard. They are some of the most strong and noble players in the game, and they dont have to have 300+ members to have a name for themselves. Seriously you issue a threat to Dream Team every other week and ya'll still havent done anything to them, you just want the media attention. If you think us heroes fear you, you are dead wrong. Same with Coalition, they are a great guild, but when you have to face them you run like cowards and say "Oh we let you win". As if. You guys are jokes, Im suprised I even waste my time with you.
    Best of luck most feared ones, I'm sure you will run and hide yet again.
    p.s. Zhells you have no room to talk about heroes running cause every time I have found a LOS member alone, Ive engaged him and as he is about to get beat he flees. Ask CeREaL BoWL ASsASSiN, back in beta he would charge Bohemia PD and when he would be almost K.O'd he would charge the gaurds to get thrown away to safety. We dont fear you, we laugh at you.

  39. CeREaL BoWL ASsASSiNFebruary 3, 2011 at 4:19 PM

    I would run to the cops in front of the police station?!?!?! sure I would move so i wouldnt get hit by the 10+ of people that were attacking me. lets see you fight 10 on 1 and what would you do? Whenever im at little bohemia police station i take down a couple of heros while im getting jumped and thats sad so go somewhere with your talk.

    Matter of fact I saw you yesterday and I know you saw me and you just kept on running while i was fighting other heros. Also if you ever let a person run away from you then you need to step your game up. Like I said before your a joke of a leader. every time someone says something to you you cry and report them on some baby ish. What leader runs to the cops?!?!?! You get your team and handle it!!!!

    Matter of fact lets do this LOS VS Meta Justice there are plaenty of empty spots in the game where we can fight 1v 1 or/and group battles. I'm tired of you and others wanting to talk and say "oh i beat so n so memeber of los" but when they ask for the name they catch amnesia. I beat JCON the other day with broken pve gear on and took it to ssj carlos. But you are a chump up and down.

  40. Lack of grammar huh, I guess you must not know how to read then. Why don't you look at the article. I guess you just saw the name Apocalypto, jizzed yourself, clicked, scrolled down and started talking out of your ass like you always do. Go to sleep The_Flame before LOS throws water at your weak ass hero and puts you out.

  41. CeREaL BoWL ASsASSiNFebruary 3, 2011 at 4:27 PM

    Another thing im not perma banned or anything. This just shows how much of a coward you are. I go in your legion thread and say you are soft which is true and you go run to a mod. That just proves how much of a chump you are. And then you keep on pm'ing me and you still cry dude grow a pair.

    \Listen I beat you oup on top of little bohemia police statioin not once but twice and the excuses you gave were "Oh I was in the menu" GTHOH twice you were in the menu for a 1 on 1. I have no problem sayin you and 5 other people beat me up in front of your hq; but you're a sheep dressed in wolf clothing, asking members of los to punich me for calling you a pussy. Thats what you are chump go some where with your bs

  42. CeREaL BoWL ASsASSiNFebruary 3, 2011 at 4:29 PM

    Dude isnt even The Flame he's FLAME MAN...OOOO RUN TO THE HILLS!!!! I killed The Flame on January 11th

  43. Is that your favorite word? Chump? Yeah you would run and guess what, when me and Animus attacked Club Lexalance we didn't hit the gaurds once. We had a ton of villains on us and we stood and fought them off. Yeah I know, thats a new concept for you. The only reason I ran the other day, is cause I was trying to que up for an Alert and my game was glitching, so I wanted to get to place where you couldn't hit me twice and say you beat me. In fact, I barely ran, I moved 2 inches to let the other heroes deal with you cause I have a limited amount of time on DCUO cause I have stuff to do in real life and I dont have a mere second to waste on someone as lowly as you. I'm sorry I follow the rules and dont allows adolescent punks like you horass me via email. If a crook broke into your house would you run to the police and report the break in? Yes you would. Same situation. Why do you devote your free time to me? I mean you would spam and troll threads, and you even created my character! I mean, I know immitation is the most sincerest form of flatery, but isnt doing that to someone that you only know online a little weird?
    Since we are asking questions Ive got one for you, why do you hate me? Is it cause I beat you in beta testing? In fact, you made the first attack, why did you decide to hate me all of a sudden. Let it go, in fact, I bet the only reason you joined the LOS is cause you saw me on those LOS exploit threads and you thought you could get back at me am I correct? I could care less, just shows that you are less intellectual than I thought.

  44. I read the article A-poc, I found it intersting, but usually you type in all caps, Im glad to see you improve. Oh and cereal you havent knocked me out ONCE. Like Ive said you land a couple of hits then run away and claim you have won. I dont have to deal with your crap, Ill report you if I want to, I talked to grendal and he even said that was uncalled for!

  45. CeREaL BoWL ASsASSiNFebruary 3, 2011 at 4:45 PM

    Free time to you? lets look at the facts here and quit while your ahead. You made a post and I didnt say anything to you. I make a post and you come at me so stop it..but look The Flame playing the victim card again what a suprise.

    And no to be honest I didnt know a thing about LOS or any legion on the hero or villain side I had thoughts of just running the streets solo, so all that other talk is a mute point cause i was never on the forums until now.

    And your crook comment=failed logic. Its a public not private forum. Yoiur house=Private. I went in your thread and said you are weak and you cry thats all.

    In the end you still ran wwhen you saw me...another excuse out of your punk mouth. You have more excuses then a crack fiend. Your scum dude for real go ahead and report me again chump

  46. CeREaL BoWL ASsASSiNFebruary 3, 2011 at 4:49 PM

    now its i hit you and ran?!?!?!!?!? Im a flier not a speedster so if I ran why didnt you catch me? I beat you dude put a end to your lies man. "ILL REPORT YOU IF I WANT TOO" Seriously dude?!?!? Vagisil must stay in your drawers.

  47. Yeah, but there are things called GAURDS that launch you when you wimp out. You can accuse me of lying I dont really give two craps, I know I'm right and I know I tell the truth. You troll me and your guild could care less, i speak out and your guild screams and cries "You are trolling!", hypocritical dont you think?
    Yeah you dont say anything to me cause I dont provoke people (thats a big boy word for egg people on). You asked a question, you didnt like my answer so you lie. Ive got stuff in real life to do, so you stay on these forums and trash talk and lie about me while I go live an active social life. To quote one of my favorite songs "Go ahead and buy yourself a drink, cause you know your deserving of it, go ahead and cry your self to sleep. Think how you hate me so bad."
    I'm honestly done with you, stay out of my way cause if I run into you in game dont expect any mercy.

  48. LARALI


  49. Hey guys look at the post above me. THIS IS HOW WE STRIKE FEAR IN THE HEARTS OF MEN!!! Check me out did I scare you? No I didn't think so. Silly rabbit caps are for di#ks. Move along.

  50. its like i told my bud cereal about this whole hero drama.

    Once you make a name for yourself by many people, there will be others that will use your fame in the way of hate so that their names are heard of for once.

    So in other words heroes mainly leagues this is a fact all you sorry suckers cant deny you are famous and known because of us nothing else, you may hate us you may wanna kill or punch some of LOS but you cant deny we made you.


  52. Oh did you hear that Heroes. Did you know that LOS is some massive multibillion-dollar company that has helped manufacture heroism like pop music? Heroes, you sold out to the MAN, the LOS man cuz THEY made you. Yes they did, they made you...LMFAO. When you type this shit due to really believe it, like SERIOUSLY believe it. Hero or villain, 99.99% of players think that LOS is nothing more than a self-proclaimed, egotistical farm of wannabe megalomaniacs with a hand full of decent members. The other 00.01% that doesn’t believe this is you. And the reason why there is so much animosity towards LOS is not because people fear you, no. It’s because the majority of you talk shit all day every day.




  54. heroes are so dam stubborn, just shut your mouth and know your role.

  55. The Hate in these comments shows why DCUO needs real heroes.

    Too bad FLAG are pc players, because Meta jokers and meta malicious just don't cut it.

  56. Ya know it's funny... I don't visit this site too often, but I hear a lot of shit talk from Heros... and it's hilarious to know that the main one who are talking trash aren't even on our server... Not to mention the ones that are on our server...we shout for them in the Versus chat to meet up @ the Superman Statue...shit we are always at Midtown-Nightclub... ALWAYS... IF YOU GOT A PROBLEM OR FEEL FROGGY JUST ASK FOR US IN THE VERSUS CHAT... WE WILL GLADLY FIGHT YOU ONE ON ONE... THE MAIN ONES WHO TALK SHIT NEVER PUT OUT...

    Heros don't have too many strong leagues... one of the best are "Celestial Beings" and as far as "Meta-Justic" goes... their best player is ChronoCross... I mean please... stfu.

  57. P.S. It's funny how the Hero's on our server act more like Villians... We should be the ones ganking, and jumping people not them... LMFAO!! Some honor... you fodders are worm food.

  58. P.S. Your so full of shit that you're brimming.

  59. Congrats to me for having the most comments on a single article. You just keep making me bigger and bigger.

  60. That's one way of looking at it.

  61. F()&^ eat $hit hero bitches if it was raining pussy outside you would all get hit in the head with a dick make sure you wear your helmets you fukin window licken short bus riding hero bitches bring it we are not hard to find must really suck to have a game you cant play cuz everytime you come out of your hero circle jerk aka pd safe houses you get pwnd on and you have yet to show up at any of our safehouses not to mention your pvp skills suck balls it aint even worht q'n up to play pvp cuz 1 you guys r shit and 2 you hero bictches never q because you get your hero asses handed to you serioulsy go back to the nintendo and play rc pro am signed urbootkick3r Los vet

  62. Wow urbootkick3r, you copied and pasted your post on the right spot this time. At least this time you're speaking to the right people, and not PC server heroes. Gold star, bright spark.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. "I remain, as always, unimpressed... Idle banterings of a delusional mind do not change facts that are very full of evidence: the primary fact being that a legion of 50 bajillion weaklings doesn't make a good legion... You say run into an LoS in game and see what happens? I have... and never once has one of your members defeated me 1vs1, we routinely thrash you in arenas, though you like to lie otherwise as is your villainous wont. Ask Hot Toddy what happened when we met on the highway... hey Hot Toddy was your sudden disconnect conveniently timed when u had 10% health and I was still 100% or what? Hey Furyan you like exploiting that Element platform on Moon Base don't you? That's the only safe place you can find...Dr. Manhattan you call yourself a healer? Haha I tell you what send me an email and I'll give you some pointers..."

    HUH?? Don't get it mistaken. I never run from a battle. I fight to death every single time. Unlike 90% of you clowns who get low health and all the sudden want to spam the **** outta roll like it's going to save you. And I very rarely die. No idea what you're even talking about.

  65. Hot Toddy... I understand selective memory... lots of people have it... Let me refresh for you. I ran into you standing on the highway alone near midtown PD. I initiated a fight, we battled for about 5 minutes... the fight began to go badly for you, you had about 10% health left and suddenly vanished into thin air... I thought you maybe pulled ur ethernet cable out... :P If you didn't then I apologize... still... what happened?

  66. Arena or Legends must have popped.

  67. has anyone seen a half decent, viewable video of LoS beating meta justice in areanas? i havent... but meta does have some HD videos of their beatdowns on LoS members on youtube.


  68. Theres been plenty of times where we have beat Meta Justice in arenas. to be specific I remember being at the moon 5v5 and we was down 70-0 and came back to win 100-95. But anyways the opportunity still stands for 1v1 with any hero any time. Just send message in Versus chat.


  69. Do yall have that Australia match up on youtube where we ended up winning with a score around 12-0 against a raid of yall? Super Patriot was in the game and yall had just beat us the match before so I'm sure he was recording.

  70. I taped it! Yeah, I taped it on my make believe camera, on my make believe TV, and then uploaded it on to make believe tube...see where this is going?

  71. im not sure but those were some really fun areanas. i know we dont win Every time we face LoS but meta justice does win and quite often and yet all i hear are how badly LoS beats people when its clearly not true. all im saying is dont sound off on how unbeatable ur legion is when evidence to the contrary is hitting u in the mouth


  72. actualy wise guy heres the link since ur too lazy and clearly just starting shit


  73. Sorry wistal, I wasn't talking to you buddy ;). I was talking to LOS and how they always win their make believe matches in make believe arenas. It's just getting so gosh darn implausible how they do it.

  74. All I can talk for are the pvp groups I roll with. LoS is a huge Legion and everyone is not on the same level when it comes to pvp. Hell not everyone in our Legion is focused on pvp in the first place. So when you heroes are going against LoS groups just be aware that it might not be against a top flight group of people. The thing is as these lower recruits take their lumps on the battlefield, along with grouping up with the more experienced pvpers, over time they won't get anything but better. But I tell you, the pvp groups I roll with win over 90% of the matches we enter. Unfortunately we can't go against a meta justice premade every match. Them along with the two annoying *** healers apart of celestial beings are really the only two groups that give us good arena matches. Again I can only talk for the groups I mainly roll with.

  75. And I love how you guys take full raids into Australia against 2-3 Los members, and title the video meta justice owns LoS. LMAO!!!

  76. its actualy more like 6 or 7 and a full 8 in those videos i know ur trying to downplay that u got beat but suck it up already


  77. Wistal, good 1v1 today by the police station.


  78. yes it was. u did beat me 3 out of 4 tho u have excellent skills


  79. Hot toddy your stuck on that for some reason. Why? Does it but you that much?

    By the way... If you scroll up you will see cereal claimed to beat me in a 1v1. I confronted him about it and he said he didnt know me. I 1v1 today against him and won. Just clearing things up because it did bug me.

    SSJ Carlos

  80. CeREaL BoWL ASsASSiNFebruary 7, 2011 at 1:29 PM

    i never said i didnt know you i said that it was pvp arena i said i didnt know skillz. and yea you beat me and probably will all the time cause i dont have the patience for fighting healers imn more of a straight up guy..just clearing things up

  81. skillz is a chump controller anyways. cant stand to any los tanks 1v1. seen how firemeup beat on him in 1v1? i did, dude should quit playing dcuo cuz it aint in the name..thats for sure. and lol hes the best troller meta has in their weak ass league.


  82. Classy post, Classy name. 100% classy. Weak...

  83. Wow am i late? Heres what Eliphaz Levi has to say
    "Progress is a possibility for the animal: it can be broken in, tamed and trained; but it is not a possibility for the fool, because the fool thinks he has nothing to learn. It is his place to dictate to others and put them right, and so it is impossible to reason with him. He will laugh you to scorn in saying that what he does not understand is not a meaningful proposition. 'Why don't I understand it, then?', he asks you, with marvellous impudence. To tell him it is because he is a fool would only be taken as an insult, so there is nothing you can say in reply. Everybody else sees it quite clearly, but he will never realize it.

  84. Lmao what a joke! 1v1 A-Poc is weak I have proven that several times over. I suppose the best place for him is up the reporters ass's and kissing ass.

  85. Oh and one more thing! A=poc start bringing your so called bad self to 1v1 stars lab and start proving your self? Personally I think your to chicken shit to show up and 1v1 because your afraid for a fact to lose like you will and do! Your so bad? Well show up and prove it! Some of your key players" good pvp players" are there. Where are you BITCH!
