Thursday, February 3, 2011

POV: Animus Vanishes!

He lay there so sound asleep one would almost think that he had passed in the night. He was hooked up to so many machines, the bleeping and sirens unconsciously driving him insane. Did they know that he was nearly completely healed, did they understand his spirit, his power, no…they only thought they knew. He heard the voice of Superman a moment ago; his voice had resonance of concern, and he was not alone, Flame Man was with him. He misunderstood their worry, or rather his mind translated it into disappoint. His doubt in himself was something like a tragic opera replaying in his mind.

He could not understand how it came to this; how he failed…he failed again. He could not protect his mother, sister, Ella…what right did he have calling himself a hero when he was so easily bested. And then he was left alone with the maddening beeps, again alone; a recluse in his new desires to gain power. 
He opened his eyes, the glint of blue was no longer there, what as left were his dismal green eyes staring up at the plain white ceiling. He gradually unhooked the instruments form his body and dropped out of the bed. He dragged himself up and with his arms now firmly pressed on the mattress, he pushed himself up. To the right of him, he found a doctor note pad. He stumbled over to it and picked up and began to write on it.

“The growing squall of blackness has swallowed me, and I am useless as I am… I have to leave you now, but believe me when I say…this is not forever. The world needs heroes, not me.  I leave the rest to you all, Meta Justice, Coalition, Dream Team, Meta Militia. There is nothing more to say, but sorry. I am truly sorry that I did not live up to your expectations. I have to go now, please forgive me. This new journey is something that I must do alone…”

He left it on his bed before stumbling to the window. He glanced over his shoulder and saw his black and blue uniform on the bedside table. He shook his head before he opened the window, his green eyes shifting to the blazing blue as he dropped out of the window. Is this the end of Animus, only time will tell.


  1. im shocked and saddened to learn of this. Animus has been at the forefront of the conflicts with the legion of sin. he has been a shining exaple of heroism.


  2. This story is so emo.

  3. even Superman took a break to find himself and see what became of Krypton. maybe this is something similar.

  4. In related news, a superpowered individual wearing nothing but a patient's gown was seen flying away from a hospital in Metropolis.

    The individual - identified as 'definately male' by those watching from below - is now wanted for indecent exposure.

  5. Apocalypto, you're the joke. I guess everyone forgot let you in on it.

  6. Everyone fails a at some point and time. You can't let that get you down though. Pick yourself up and dust yourself off. If he needs time to re-evaluate why he's here then do it as long as you come back stronger than you were before then no harm has been done.

  7. This cannot be taken lightly. I have a feeling when Animus returns, he'll return with renewed vigor and a taste of Vengeance in his mouth. Keep your friends close...and your enemies even closer. Ill be watching...and waiting.

  8. I am a villain (anti Hero of sorts at times), and this made me feel sad.....

    However, Animus is still our enemy. The defeat of Animus is a reminder to not delude yourselves of the present threat. Call LoS what you will, glitchers, cheaters, smack talkers. They have rallied the no mans land villains into having no fear of any "heroes". And this is clearly just the beginning.

  9. What ever, the dude ran. What's he doing now? Cowering in some dark room like a punk. I Don't feel sorry for him and I'm not worried if he comes back.

  10. What did you think was gonna happen. All talk no bite. We warned you.

  11. I hope for your sakes that you are wrong Anonymous(s). Ill try to find him, but I assure you, this self impossed exile will only make him stronger. He may make you eat your words, and for your sakes, I hope he has some mercy, cause if that day comes, then let us pray for your protection, villains.

  12. Animus has been spotted dressed as Robin. He NoW searches for TEH POWAH! TEH POWAAAAHHH!!!!

  13. What the hell are you talking about, TEH POWAH? What? Is it "morphing" time?

  14. I saw Aniums in the PVP tonight. He wants that armor hardcore.

  15. yes it's morphing time! lol
    He wants TEH POWAAAH!
