Thursday, February 3, 2011

F.LA.G. meets to discuss Villain Threat

One group of heroes is meeting the organizing villain horde head on. During their first official F.L.A.G meeting, over 100 members of the largest and one of the most influential hero organizations met to talk shop, goals, and the threat of an allied group of villains.

Soldier, the leader of F.L.A.G was kind enough to sit down for a quick interview after their lengthy WatchTower meeting:

1. What do you make of the implications of a massive allied villain organization?
When the good in people begins to shine, super-powered or not, those like-minded individuals are drawn to each other.  They are compelled to act for the benefit of mankind as a whole.  The same can be said of the nefarious and vile as well.  I'm confident that good will be served and justice will always prevail.  Come hell or high water, alien threat or demonic horde, FLAG will overcome any and all villain threats.

2. Many consider F.L.A.G to be the only hero organization with the sheer numbers to rival the Legion of Sin, any comment?
People are drawn to our ideals and our members stand together in the face of all threats.  Our strength has been and always will be in our unity.

3. Could we see a more organized Hero Movement in the future?
We are beginning to find more and more allies outside the ranks of FLAG.  Already we have made a firm bond with the new group Solidarity.  It is only a matter of time before our Coalition of Good grows even larger.

4. Who do you consider the biggest present day villain threat?
FLAG has had some true battles with the Offenders recently.  Also a new villain by the name of FLAG Hunter has begun stalking our ranks.  A group named BLACK FLAG is also on our watchlist.

5. We understand your membership has swelled to over 250 members, how has it been possible to recruit such a large number?
It has happened in a lot of ways.  We had a few goals at the outset for recruiting and our members who are in charge of actively recruiting really knocked it out of the park by finding some true quality individuals.  Also our publicist did a bang-up job of getting our story out there.  Of course, none of that really means anything without a glue to hold it all together.  Our glue is found in our common goal of making the world a better place.  Heroes are innately drawn to that.  We also offer a healthy benefits package and are starting to provide our members with some incredibly top-notch equipment to suit their various needs.

Can F.LA.G be counted on the turn the obvious tide of villain momentum that has gained steam recently? Only time will tell.


  1. What server is FLAG on? They sound like an organized Hero group. And best of all just honest answers and no smack talk. These guys sound like heroes.

  2. I'm curious how FLAG is going to deal with Legion of Sin when they are on the New Frontier server and I believe on the PC.

    This is not a put down at all. Just curious how this storyline is going to play out.

  3. FLAG? Are they on No Mans Land? Would love to see a newly organized group of heroes on the battlefield. Competition is always welcome.


  4. F.L.A.G. is on New Frontier on the PC.

  5. F()&^ eat $hit Flag more like fag if it was raining pussy outside you would all get hit in the head with a dick make sure you wear your helmets you fukin window licken short bus riding hero bitches bring it we are not hard to find must really suck to have a game you cant play cuz everytime you come out of your hero circle jerk aka pd safe houses you get pwnd on and you have yet to show up at any of our safehouses not to mention your pvp skills suck balls it aint even worht q'n up to play pvp cuz 1 you guys r shit and 2 you hero bictches never q because you get your hero asses handed to you serioulsy go back to the nintendo and play rc pro am signed urbootkick3r Los vet

  6. Hey dumb ass. Talking shit to heroes who are on a different server and a DIFFERENT PLATFORM is now one of the most stupidest things I've seen LOS do. F.L.A.G is PC that's why you've never seen them on PS3. Are you that dumb that you don't read the post that says "F.L.A.G. is on New Frontier on the PC." Wow, what a bright spark you are.


  8. WTH BOOTKICK3r? LoS don't hate on others, they hate on us. And FLAG ain't hatin!

  9. Can I ask you a question? Why does LOS representatives talk like they got "thuglife" tatted on their belly's? You know, I'm just say'in.

  10. b-cuz we gangsta yo! hahaha

  11. So you wear khakis, not jeans? I'm sure if you a G, you know what I mean?
