Friday, March 18, 2011

Legion Responsible for the Centennial Park Massacre Luthor's New Go to Hero Team?

Lex Luthor held a press conference in front of Superman's statue this morning to unveil his first project as acting director of the Metahuman Federal Council administration. "I've gathered you all here today to witness the start of a new era of super hero! Heroes who are home grown, patriotic and fight for a just cause. My gift to you, America, is the brand new government sponsored team, The Scumbags!"

When asked why Luthor would choose a team name that has such an obvious negative meaning to it, he explained that, "I will not lie to you America. I will not make any excuses. These men are former... I'm sorry, reformed super criminals who've given up their villainous ways, much like myself, and are on board with the MFC to do the right thing and clean up our streets and bring in any vigilantes that are not in accordance with VR 2983, which is commonly known as the Vigilante Registration Act, one city at a time!" Luthor was also asked why is he putting such a huge responsibility on just one team and also why is he even hiring a team that was accused of starting the Centennial Park Massacre. He quickly answered, "Let me answer your second question with a simple "not true what-so-ever."The Scumbags were there on my authority to spearhead the offensive against the legions that invaded the park that day. If you would like to see the unclassified documents pertaining to that mission, I'll be more than happy to provide all of you with a copies of it. As for the first question, I won't. While this maybe my first successful attempt at reforming criminals, this will most definitely not be my last attempt. I give all those individuals out there with the propensity to do "good" and the power to make a difference to heed my call and join me in the good fight in restoring order to this country. We can and will do this together!" As the crowd cheered Director Luthor and his new team of "heroes," he ended the press conference and made his way back to Washington D.C. with his newly christened team.


  1. A reformed legion like The Scumbags is perfect for hunting these meta-powered terrorists. Go get 'em fellas!

  2. Onslaught Inc is ready to send reinforcements if you need them.

  3. ...But like all things, we fade, we become frail, and we come to the realization that existence is bitter disappointment and inane. These so called legions are but a vampiric scourge that invades the mind, a virus that strips all clarity, and an imitation that lacks legitimacy: This is what it is when to realize how foolish this globe is.

  4. You Onslaught jerks are... UGH! We got to get the Coalition together and figure something out.... Get at me, Death Drive.

  5. This's a bunch of crap! I was there at that battle. The Scumbags were killing innocent people! Is this really what the country wants? A band of murders running around with a hall pass from the feds? No matter. I still continue to do what I do with or without permission because I do the right thing for the right reasons.

  6. Phipher, my friend. We will fight them until our souls are lost within oblivion's end. Deacon, my friend. They are blind to see what they have placed their misguided trust in. We, The Coalition, hold honor and truth, this, no one can deny. Even as the tides of sin swell, we will hold strong. They will not deny us...and Luther will pay...for everything he is about to do to this world, and to me... I know what hides behind this new facade. I know...

  7. Fellow citizens of the United States. Justice is not dead. Nor does it reside in the hands of Lex Luthor or the MFC. Justice is only within the control of all free men! While the government and courts may enforce the laws, they can only have meaning if you believe in them. Do not listen to the government, do not listen to the press, and especially don't listen to Lex Luthor! Listen to your own conscience. Listen to your own heart. Only within yourself can find and truly know what freedom is and who's authority our country should abide by.

  8. Excellent job Luthor! Excellent sense of judgement. I know these guys are the best fit for taking down anti-reg heroes. The age of the new type of hero has arrived!!

  9. A new type of hero? If this is what you think a hero be...then I will gladly except the role of villain...

  10. Death Drive slowly steping over the line I see. Come over the dark side, we have all the fun.

  11. hello swampthing here im the lil green guy in the pic =) lol what do u speak of i dont remember killing anyone =) no one at all...... i was meeting my date there. We where gonna go eat it DCUOS finest french resterant lol.

  12. Legacy of Truth has already had their dealings with the Pro VRA group called the Scumbags! In no way shape or form are they a threat to Legacy of Truth of any other hero standing for truth and justice. ALL HEROES KNOW THIS... I AM THE LEADER OF LEGACY OF TRUTH AND I PERSONALLY GUARANTEE THE DESTRUCTION OF THIS FAILURE OF A GROUP NAMED THE SCUMBAGS!
