Sunday, March 27, 2011

Meta Militia Leader, The Flameman, Joins the Ranks of the Coalition

After announcing that his own league of super-heroes, the Meta Militia,would become an international task force, the Flameman revealed that he has officially joined The Coalition. High above the streets of Gotham, our top reporter, Kristen, stood ready for the anti-VRA heroe to arrive. She alone managed to land an exclusive interview with Ember of Fury on this decision and what that means to the VRA.

1) So now that you are a member of The Coalition, has your league disbanned?
"Not at all, I still assign them their missions and since I have been assigned to America, and since I am the only operative for the Meta Militia in America, I've joined The Coalition in order to be more efficent in my crusade for justice."
2) The Coalition is a target for the VRA, did this change your opinion on them, or even make you regret joining?
"Not at all! Deacon, Private Masque, and I go way back, they are my most trusted allies. They do so much with so little and I'm happy to help them to help others."
3) You have chosen not to sign up for the VRA, has this affected how you fight crime?

"It hasn't really, I still take down the villains, and I still try and help the common man. Only now, I need to watch my back more."
4) Are you afraid of Luthor or his elite team The Scumbags?
"Elite team?" Kristen you are a riot! They are barely threat! I have not seen a single attacked coordinated by them nor have I ever seen them fight. They have gone after the Legacy of Truth and they still haven't managed to capture them! I've heard whispers that they will come after us. I think I speak for the Coalition as a whole when I say we are NOT afraid. We will take any challenge that comes are way and we will fight back, because we stand up not only for others, but for each other."

5) Any words you want to leave us with?
"Stay strong heroes! The war is just begining, but if you have what it takes then we will be able to get through this and show everyone what truth, justice, and the american way really are!"


  1. We're glad to have this guy on the team. I do agree that the Scumbags aren't a viable threat but we can't go underestimating anyone, not even Luthor's goons. We know what he's capable of but at the same time, we can handle whatever they throw at us.

  2. Flameman, I am proud to have you as a member. Your ability to stand up against the darkness is deeply admirable, and I am glad to fight by your side.
