Friday, May 27, 2011

Black Lantern League issues threat to all heroes patrolling the streets throughout the world!

Recently, an encounter between Deacon of The Coalition and the Black Lanterns', Richie Rich that was reported on just a few days ago in this very paper has turned into tale of unease and dread. After many words of praise were directed at the Blue and Black Loud Mouth, the leader of the Black Lanterns, Nekro, decided that enough was enough and issued a decree of violence, death, and agony to the highlighted hero as well as other individuals who choose to take up the fight for good as their own.

After responding to the article about Richie Rich's arrest at the hands of Deacon, the Black Lantern leader Nekro incited a fervor in heroes that has yet to be seen since the glory days of the Legion of Sin and the splinter group that evolved from them, the Destruction Kings. Are they the new bad boys (and girls) in town? Read the following quote and you be the judge.

"The Blackest Night falls from the skies,
The Darkness grows as all light dies,
We crave your hearts and demise,

This is Nekro, Lord of the Unliving. You heroes have made a fatal mistake and now my Lanterns will feast on your hearts and souls!!! You heroes line up in droves to fight my Lanterns but fail to prevail. Your lies and tales of grandeur about besting one of my most feared and hated Lanterns tells the truth in itself. It is understandable to spread your propaganda to ignite the light of courage and the beam of justice in your fellow cohorts but fallacies will now come to an end! NOW I have instructed my minions of darkness to kill on site! To tear the hearts of your still living carcass and devour them to fuel our own power. That Black in the sky signals your destruction and the end cannot be derailed, postponed, or denied. Your end will come heroes. Your end will come!"

A chilling statement indeed. Are they indeed the actual Black Lanterns that nearly destroyed life as we know it a little over a year ago or are they some type of fanatical offshoot cult of the fore mentioned threat. We do not know how serious this threat is but with all the recent things that have been going on, the bombing of the Metropolis Federal Building, the Elemental murders, the terrorists attack on the plane filled with MFC registered heroes, and last but not least, the whole Braniac incursion. We can't help but believe his statements true.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It is no threat, merely a promise of pain to come. For too long you heroes have escaped/cheated death. No matter how fast you run or how far you fly it is inevitable that your souls WILL BE MINE!!!!

  3. OOC: What happens if your character is already dead?

  4. Interesting question. I believe this was proven with Deadman recently(Blackest Night story arc). His body was resurrected as a Black Lantern but since he was a ghost he still retained that part so he kinda was fighting himself (through possession of the living).

    (In character)If you are already dead than your soul is already mine as it sits in Limbo awaiting Judgement and the Judgement is serve the Lanterns or we will raise you to serve us anyway HAHA.....On a side note My Black Lanterns had you Gotham pretty upset when we attacked GCPD and killed your weak security guards at the door along with all your so called heroes over and over again. I told you your souls belong to the Black Lantern Corps and we will feast on your still beating hearts HAHAHA

  5. The worst is yet to come. Darkness grows unhindered by your pathetic attempts to grasp at the light...

  6. OOC: Oh, ok. Well I guess our characters universes clash then. My character is the avatar of the death god, Thanatos. His body was dead but reborn. He's still has his soul and is technically immortal.

  7. Did you guys not read Blackest Night? Black Lanterns DO NOT TAKE SOULS so stop acting like you guys do, it makes you sound like you dont know what you are talking about.

  8. I read blackest night Did you? Nekron is the guardian of Limbo and whose in Limbo? Souls awaiting judgement! So how bout you go back and read about mythology or even religion or even better why don't you read the origins of nekron idiot...Oh and by the way YOUR SOUL WILL BELONG TO US SOON AND WE WILL RIP YOUR HEART OUT AND FEED IT TO YOU @$$hat

  9. Nekron is a fictional embodiment of Death and ruler of a region adjoining Hell that also seems to border on Limbo and Purgatory within the DC Universe. It is where the souls of the dead await passage to their final residence in either the Silver City or Hell. Nekron draws his power from the souls and spirits of all those who have ever died.- Character Bio...So once again suck it Anonymous Hero

    To Death Drive- There's plenty of room in Limbo and in Hell You should join us lol.

  10. Yes Nekkron does but you say my "lanterns" referring to your group and not just you. So that proves my point, Nekkron might but regular Black Lanterns don't.
    I find it funny how you result to insults just because someone questons you. Oh well, I was just wondering why you wrote about something inaccurate to black lanterns

  11. Wait, wait, wait - Think about what you are saying. If Nekron is ruler of limbo, where souls go before Judgement, and Black Lanterns kill heroes, thereby sending their souls to limbo, does this not mean that Black Lanterns further the soul-harvesting by means of killing heroes, thus "claiming" their souls by association? I mean, if you reduce it down to it's base logic, you can see how Nekro is actually correct in saying that the Black Lanterns as a whole take souls, just as they did during the Blackest Night series on multiple occasions (tearing the heart out, then having the newly killed hero turn into a Black Lantern; thus condemning their soul to the Corps [you can call this harvesting, for all intents and purposes]). Also, we have all read the cannon this is based on, and clearly wouldn't make a league based on the Black Lanterns because so many of us just thought posing as it would be "cool". I mean, there has to be some initial form of interest, especially to make a character based on a DC property, in the lore behind the Black Lantern Corps. Also, this is a team game, Nekro is just including us fellow Black Lanterns, so try not to come off as a dick... dick.

  12. McFly, stop being a dick, DICK. At the end of the day its what you interpret. Key word "Interpretation." Stop acting like you all came up with this mythology and do something proactive like going after the Soldiers of Light, or what ever the hell their names are. Steal their souls and all that jazz. Also, if you don't mind. Go after Rayven Man, Nimbus Yosh and ACE 1. I'm sure even the heroes will love you guys.

  13. Ahaha! I couldn't agree more. I hate those guys... however, interpretation aside, doesn't it really make sense that, by association, the lanterns do steal souls and shit? Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those people who like to rp on servers; I'm just a dude who likes playing DCUO, but the logic behind the argument, which is based upon comic book cannon (something I in no way claim to have come up with), is kinda sound. I'm not trying to be a dick, just trying to expound upon my fellow league mate's point. However, I do agree with going after Nimbus Yosh and Ace 1. Me and Ugefang really dislike the Soldiers of Light... they really take the whole rp thing too seriously!
