Monday, June 20, 2011

The Megaserver is on the horizon? What are your thoughts?

Here at the DP Blog, we wanted to go OOC for a little bit and get everyone's opinions on some issues that have been on the rise.

First and foremost, the server merge is quickly approaching. Some love it, some hate it. We won't go over all the details but with what we know, what do you guys think of the idea, the implementation, etc? Feel free to remain unrestrained with your thoughts.


  1. Looking forward to seeing new leagues to form rivalries & alliances with, and seeing the impact it has on the Broker. Otherwise I don't really care one way or another.

  2. Wow, people still play this game?
    I thought I was the only one left.

  3. Just some clarification:
    This server merge will NOT be what everyone thinks. Here is the deal, when you queue up for Alerts, Raids, and PVP matches it will put you into an instance with people from other servers. All the servers will not be put together in a sense that we will see everyone who plays on PS3 in open world.

  4. If the server merge is ONLY ques, I think that may create a respect issue between players. Let's say you're in mostly a pre-made group and you go into a PvP match looking for one person. The chances you'll see that person again are slim and if said player knows that they can say whatever they want. Due to not being on the same server at all times they can't really get a bad rep. Merging ques and not the entire server made the exact problem for WoW, then again they also have a larger population.

  5. The clarification above is incorrect. It is not just for queues. There will be one PvE PC server, one PvP PC server, one PS3 PvE server, and one PS3 PvP server for North America. Europe will have the same set up over there. What they have mentioned is that the megaservers will be able to set up seperate phases of an area in case you get a high concentration of players in one area in order to avoid lag. You will also have the ability to shift between phases so you can meet up with friends, team mates, league members, etc.

  6. To the above post: The Devs said that there will be 4 megaservers one for PS3 US, PC US, PS3 EU, and PC EU. So it is safe to guess that it will be queues and NOT a server.

  7. I think they need to stabilize this game before they even think of actually implementing these megaservers.

  8. Server merge of any kind is any awesome idea. I was pumped for it until the last patch. What the last patch did to this game is unbearable gameplay. PvP and even raiding is nearly impossible to do. Before freezing and disconecting was tolerable but it is an issue and becoming even more of an issue as time goes on. I want mega servers to come for more competition in pvp but i refuse to support it when i find it impossible to even que up for any instance wether it be raiding alrts duos and pvp. People are quiting daily and action is being taken soon enough. Stability then mega servers.

    ~SSJ Carlos

  9. Some one brought up an interesting point and said just give us mega servers and lets deal with all the freezing at once instead of getting 1 week of actual gaming and then having them fuck it up the next week with new content. Said just bring mega server now so we can deal with it all at once.

    ~SSJ Carlos
