Friday, June 24, 2011

Soldiers of Light members leaving in droves?

It seems that the Soldiers of Light aka The Legacy of Truth are going through some hard times. Behind the fall of Cover Girl and her rise to villainy as Easy Breezy, more members behind the controversial group continue to leave.

Even though MisterE Medic has taken control of the vigilante team, they still continue their indiscriminate assault on crime with the same degree of punishment. Their latest attempt at shutting down the STAR Labs Fight Club, a neutral zone for heroes and villains, failed at gaining traction but the ramifications of those actions can still be felt through both alignments communities. A lot of heroes are saying that ACE 1 and IronWarlord are taking the SoL to a new low of heroism and their actions just give the MFC more fire power to come after them because of their actions. We want to know everyones' opinions on the matter. Let us know what you think because we can't wait to hear it!


  1. What do I think? I think he is a bad example of what a hero is! He doesn't do anything productive, he can't fight, and he starts more chaos then he tries to stop! Cover Girl was their backbone, without her utter idiots are now in the league like ACE 1 and Mr. IwantstobelikeBatman, oh wait thats not his real name, what is it? Oh yeah, Raveyn Man
    Its good that there are still heroes out there unlike those retards, you know, the heroes who raid the middle eastern country of Kahndaq and take back the Batcave from Brainiac, not sit around smack talkign at Star Labs only to get their butt handed to them.

  2. Oh my god, wow! And here I thought I was the only one who didn't like Raveyn Man! And for a moment there, everything was right in the world.

  3. no one likes SoL.never will just a bunch of noobs who talk big stuff.cant do glad when theyare all gone.villians are the way to go were better then heroes.

  4. Sol is doing great the only people who hope we disband are villains. Let me say that cover girl was not the backbone of LoT, a league that has a backbone of one hero is league that is doomed to fail. It's funny how you dont here any heroes hating on us.

  5. No, SOL is just as hated by fellow heroes

  6. That is false we are good friends with other hero leagues

  7. The only thing false is your illusions of grandeur, my friend. You are not friends with other hero leagues. You are just tolerated.

  8. SoL is a dedicated league to stop all villany, We hae never endangered the civillian populace. Yes SOL has many friends outside the league i will give no names for saftey reasons.

  9. I bet all these Anonymous posts about them being great and buddy buddy with heroes is he who shall not be named, the pompous greater than thou "hero" from SOL that we all love ot hate. Im a hero and I made the first comment, we tolerate you when we are in a good mood.
    Watch our back when Dueling comes, cause then SOL will stand for something else...

  10. I am from SOL but i do accept anyones challenge. We do have many hero friends i will not name that are not in Sol but by all means i accept your challenge when the duel comes out.

  11. With who may I ask? Every respectable league I talk to hates you guys.

    The Coalition

  12. I dont want to say wich hero leagues because i know how villains hate us and they would become a target.

  13. You have friends that you cant name? Sounds like you have no friends, and from my knowledge you dont. Who is posting anyways? I bet its ACE 1

  14. If i were to name the other leagues that are friends with SOL the villains would put a hit out on them and im trying to protect my fellow heroes.

  15. You keep saying that, saying that you cant say who your friends are makes it sound like you have no friends. Who is posting these posts?

  16. Problematic definitions transport onward interpretations of what should not be true. But then, what is truth? What is light? Contrasts. In dusk, only factual light gives dawn to veracity. In lies we are able to find truths, however disjointed...

  17. I left Soldiers of Light a long time ago. I got sick and tired of how they were conducting themselves as a league. I was getting irritated on how they treated citizens when they were rescuing them, and basically nearly getting them in the crossfire, when I had to stick my neck out just to make sure that no one would get hurt at all. Even when I left the league, they wanted me back or they would try to destroy the bases and headquarters to any other league that I associated with. They aren't heroes, they are a bunch of people who are basically try to be a hero mafia.

    They even let Ace and Ironwarlord out of their cages to cause havoc among a lot of activity in the city, and have them run their mouths when they are nothing but immature, disrespectful little brats. yeah I have been silent about this, but I had enough and I needed to say what was on my mind. As far as Soldiers of Light, to hell with them and they are totally off the fringe. it's time to keep the peace, and we all need to make sure that no evangelic superhero league goes off the fringe anymore.

  18. Thats why you joined 5 star? A villain front hero league. We have been keeping tabs on them and their VG friends. I can also say we never put any civilians in danger.

  19. This has gotta be ACE crying that every league that he doesnt like is a villain league, I guess you think the Coalition is a "villain league" just cause we dont agree with you?

  20. ACE 1 = EPIC FAIL! Dude just quit and join City of Heroes. And take all your dumbass friends with you.

  21. They're dropping out like flies! FTW!

    Roll villain and hope your good enough for VG or Invic

    Save yourselves..

  22. Rolling a villain is nothing more than a cop out and proves that your just a coward. So no, I'll stay as is. Do what you have to do though.
