Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Look Behind the Scenes of The Coalition Split

Well, it seems we have a bit of a controversy on our hands here today. As you all may already know, we ran an article this morning where the Flameman, the leader of the Meta Militia, made some claims about The Coalition and one of its founding members, Deacon, that were rather surprising. Heat Source, a member of Deacon's team, broke the silence that's surrounding the matter to give us some more light on the situation. We met up with Source near WayneTech tower to get his side of the story on this whole ordeal.

The Super Reporter - Hello Heat Source. I'm glad you decided to talk to us today. Lets begin the interview with you telling us a little about yourself, why did you come to us in the first place, and what's your place in this whole ordeal?

Heat Source - Well Supes, I'm just your un-average not so everyday hero trying to make a difference in the world. I've come forward today to shed some light on the current regarding my current and former brothers in arms, and being someone who has been both sides of this "civil war" I believe that I can provide you with an exclusive perspective.

SR - We've tried reaching out to Deacon, Stormbringer, and Force about the recent events that have transpired in your league to no avail. Your former colleague, the Flameman, gave us a little insight as to what has been going on but he failed to mention anything about the death of Phipher. What do you know about the events surrounding the hero's death?

HS - It is my belief that my late comrade Phipher fought bravely until his unfortunate end. Although I did not have the pleasure write of meeting him, I know for a FACT that any hero worth his salt would go down fighting.

SR - Can give us more info on why the split in your team happened? Who or what was the cause of the split?

HS - Certain former members of the Coalition (including myself at one point) believed that the current system of leadership was insufficient and favored a style closely related to republic democracy. Other than the latter statement I have no comment at this time.

SR - Our sources told us that at first there wasn't going to be a split. Flameman and the others were actually going to attempt a hostile takeover of your team. Can you give us any information on that?

HS - Supes, I wouldn't go as far as to throw Flameman's name to the forefront of the attempted cue, if anything the former members only wanted to revitalize the system of leadership via cruel but ideal ultimatum.

SR - How long had this plan actually been in the works and who were the players behind it?

HS - No comment.

SR - How were you involved in the matter? What made you decide to side with Deacon in the end?

HS - At the on set, I had aligned myself with defectors and contributed greatly to the birth of the new league, but when the smoke cleared I was honor bound to stay by Deacon's side.

SR - Sounds like things should've went their way. What caused the plan to fall through?

HS - Well, I wouldn't call the plan a total failure. We did loose some key members and in my case, good friends. We have restrengthened our ranks and have not missed a step. Coalition - 1, Meta Militia - 0.

SR - I'm guessing that's when they decided to just go ahead and form their own team?

HS - Yes. As part of the ultimatum plan, they were able to take enough allies to make a small but potent league.

SR - Flameman claimed that Deacon basically lead The Coalition with an iron fist and that it was his way or the highway. How true is this statement?

HS - A strong leader is needed to maintain a strong team. I would follow Deacon to hell and back because I have full and total faith in his ability to lead. Every great general needs an army behind him and I am damn proud to be part of this army!

SR - What do you think was Flameman's motivating factor in leaving? He mentioned that he and Deacon butted heads. Since you were inside the cabal and gathering info for Deacon, tell us what was really going on with those two.

HS - Flameman wanted credit where credit is not due. Militia men are part time soldiers and he was a part time hero looking to stand on the shoulders of giants.

SR - What do you think about Deacon's leadership of your team? Are they different from what the Meta Militia members believe?

HS - Deacon may not be the leader that my former brethren wanted, but he is the leader we needed. I wish our former member's the best of luck with their way with their leadership structure but I feel our's is more effective.

SR - Flameman makes it seem as though he's the leader but from what you're telling us, he was not the mastermind behind the plot. Who actually concocted the plan and what do you think is the true reason for the attempted take over of the Coalition and the eventual split?

HS - Flame is living a dead dream. If anyone in their organization has any true leadership skills it's Nighthood, which I still hold a moniker of respect. Flameman is little more than a puppet dancing on strings and trying his best to steal the show before the curtain closes.

The Super Reporter - Any final thoughts?

Heat Source -Yeah, I've got a thought. A formal challenge to my former comrade, The Flameman. You want to put your name at the head of everything when you played a miniscule role? Lets see how tough you are when I burn your name into a tombstone, boy!!

And there you have another side of the story. We will continue to reach out to the Deacon, Force, and Stormbringer to get their take on the matter as well. If you want to know more about Heat Source then check him out at


  1. hold on...HeatSource and Flame Man are going to fight?

  2. Good read! Kind of curious about what all went down in the heat of things and what the actual ultimatum was their plan flopped!

  3. wow. so was flameman the one that set Phipher up? scandal!

  4. I'm not sure, Sinner. I'm looking into it now.

  5. Everything I thought about Flame Man was in fact true, he is a control freak, taking a larger bite than he can chew, he sounds like he wants what he doesnt deserve, I stand by Deacons side on this one, seems like Flame Mans motives were based more on power grabbing rather than sorting problems out.
