Monday, September 26, 2011

Lance and Spectra Speak Out

Superhero Duo Lance and Spectra held press conference today speaking out on the lack of unity in the superhero community. "I don't know when it happened, many people point to the Elemental Murders, But something was lost and our community never regained it." We see heroes fighting heroes, and disloyalty instead of alliances and a promise/commitment to work together." Spectra finished their outcry by calling out notable hero groups like The PeaceKeepers, Coalition, Vanguardians, Dream Team, F.L.A.G and New Justice by saying they "have set a poor example. Instead of leading the way and taking new heroes under their wing, they've been silent and simply watched as our profession has been degraded by pseudo-heroes like FlameMan and the mockery of justice know as the Cape Killer Unit."

More on this story and its responses as they become available.


  1. Ummm who are these "heroes"? Never heard of them.

  2. The first thing that came to mind when I read this article is, "who the hell do these punks think they are? They don't even know me!" I can't speak on behalf of the other leagues but I know that my team, The Coalition, is always out there in the actual streets, not in some freaking pocket universe or anti-matter dimension, taking down bad guys. The real question is this: where are you guys at and who have you helped out?

  3. sometimes the message is more important than the messenger.

  4. Silent??? Try dealing with your own civil war. Even then we were kicking ass before you even got fitted for your capes! With that being said, I respect your call to action but try attacking the villians instead of us heavy hitters that make the streets safe for you to walk on.

    - From Heat Source, a PROUD Coalition member.

  5. Nothing more than upstarts trying desperately to make a name for themselves. DO SOMETHING, then talk shit.
