Wednesday, October 26, 2011

This Just In : Green Lantern Calls On Earth's Heroes For Assistance !

The Daily Planet has just learned of an urgent communique sent from Justice League member, Green Lantern, to all available heroes.

"Heroes of Earth, this is Green Lantern. While on Oa, we received a transmission from Corps member Soranik Natu, regarding an encounter with the Sinestro Corps. The battle resulted in the death of one of their members. She attempted to retrieve the abandoned ring to prevent it from finding a new bearer, however, it seems we were a little too late. Apparently, the ring is on it's way to Earth,......specifically,........ Gotham City. We believe the ring is attempting to recruit the self-proclaimed "Master of Fear", Jonathon Crane, aka "The Scarecrow"

"We must prevent him from getting that ring. The ring, along with his mastery and understanding of fear, could prove disastrous. He would be a welcomed addition to the Sinestro Corps. Although we could use more help against Braniac, Crane is just too dangerous, and cannot be trusted. Myself and Guy Gardner are on our way, however, we anticipate further resistance from the Sinestro Corps. Therefore, I am calling all available heroes to assist the Green Lantern Corps and detain Dr. Crane before the ring finds him. The Batman has tracked Crane's location to the sewers. I'll meet you in Gotham. Green Lantern out."

The Daily Planet will keep you up to date as more information becomes available on this very volatile situation. Bob Harley signing out......