Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Fate finally catches up with Heli0S......

Heli0S, the new enigmatic hero recently seen throughout Metropolis, has made a powerful impression on the superhero community, in particular, Dr. Fate of the "Sentinels Of Magic".
Dr. Fate has attempted to meet with Heli0S on previous occasions with no success. Today, however, we can confirm that Heli0S did in fact meet with Dr. Fate on board the Justice League Satellite.
"In the battle between good versus evil or order versus chaos, there are those chosen by destiny to bring balance to the light. Heli0S may be such a person ", said Dr. Fate regarding their first face-to-face meeting. When asked what the meeting was about, Dr Fate would only say : ".....There are things happening in the universe that require our immediate attention, and Heli0S is essential to that end."

After initially refusing to become involved in the epic battle against Brainiac or the Injustice League, Heli0S now finds himself at it's epicenter. What of the controversy surrounding those leaked D.M.A.(Department of Meta-Human Affairs) documents containing his biographical information and origin ? What about Director Luthor's comments regarding those documents ? How does the M.F.C. feel about today's meeting ? Interesting questions indeed ! Only time will tell what impact Heli0S will have on Metropolis in the future. This is Bob Harley signing out......


  1. "How quickly information travels. When will media outlets learn the danger of freely dispensing information. For every action there is a consequence."

  2. "People deserve to hear the truth. You should never hide information, and the Daily Planet will continue our tradition of giving people the news. Unbiased and impartial."

  3. "Do not begrudge them their desire to disseminate what they feel is truth Heli0S. Remember, if they are to truly understand you, they must first come to know who you are." - DR. FATE

  4. (looks at newspaper) This Helios looks to be a do-gooder of the first order. We'll have to add him to our list of heroes to crush.
