Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Event: Trial by Fire

 A hero has been slain. A hero stands accused. A courtroom where a judge and jury will decide the fate of a man many thought to be a defender of justice. Was he wrongly accused? Two of DCUO's more popular heroes finally come to blows in a long-awaited conclusion to their long-time feud. In celebration of DCUO's new found momentum we've decided to bring you: Trial by Fire, A PVP Event for the ages! The time and location will be released shortly for all those who want to attend this Major Online Event.

It's finally Flameman vs Deacon for all the marbles.

It ends this week.


  1. I likey! no more talking. handle it boys.

  2. bring that fake hero to justice Deacon!

  3. "I worry about Deacon at times like this. He's like a man possessed and has even offered to take the nightly patrol shifts of other Coalition members. We all want to find Flameman, I just hope he we're there when he finds him--for Flameman's sake.

    --From the Diary of Force

  4. "This situation is worthy of my attention. I shall be watching closely. Justice and truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it will never go away."------Helios - The Eternal Flame

  5. I can't wait for this. I'll be in attendance.

  6. its about time someone brought that killer to justice.

  7. Deacon handle this like we all want to

  8. How about some more events with Villains vs Heroes too? hero/hero is so weird.

  9. agree with that. how this ends will be cool to see, however.

  10. should be good (grabs popcorn)

  11. I'm sorry that it had to come to this but Flame isn't leaving me or anyone else a choice. I never accused you of anything but the fact that you remain silent on the issue after numerous rumors place you at the scene of the is something that needs to be looked into. You're going to give me answers either the easy way or MY WAY.

  12. You know I don't even kill villains Deac why would I kill heroes?! Im innocent and you know it, seems like your tryin to pawn this off on me! Stop trying to play hero it ain't gonna happen bud, im gonna end this!
    ------The Flameman

  13. an actual trial too? this is gonna be good. Let justice be done though the heavens fall!

  14. I thought I knew you Flame but then you tried to forcefully take over The Coalition, then you started spreading FUD about me, and then on top of everything else, you won't surrender yourself to the GCPD for questioning so that you can absolve yourself from what you're being accused of and then you tell me to stop playing hero? Lol! I think you should take your own advice their, kitten.

  15. Forcefully take over the coalition, you're full of crap deacon and you know it! I talked to you and hood when hood left and y'all said the exact thing, he brought up problems and y'all got in an argument and he left. We even sat down and talked about our problems, we never tried to take over we wanted a reform and you wouldn't give it to us so we left! It's time people know the truth deacon! You had favorites and I wasn't one of them because I did what I thought would help the world, fight the new villains, I continue to do so. Stop lying to everyone and yourself! Also I haven't turned myself in cause I'm innocent, i was hoping everything would die down but since it hasn't I'll talk to the police. Also you're the one spreading FUD about me, I've said what I know and anyone in the militia will back me up cause your attitude is exactly why we left!
    --------The Flameman

  16. the time for talk is over! start the trial already!

  17. Perhaps it's time that some justice was brought into this situation. If these heroes truly share the same goals, it is sad to see things come to this.

  18. the time for talk is over? indeed it is. as is the time for lies, misdeeds and villainy under the cloak of heroism. now...it is only time for action, which is the highest form of truth.

  19. "There is something most foul with this situation. A subterfuge, a deception. Everything is not as it appears to be. There is deceit lurking in the shadows.......yet the truth will rise...like the Sun. When it does the true heroes of Earth will be there !"

  20. You didn't really talk to me Flame. I started to talk but while I was in the middle of my second sentence you told me that you were going with Hood on this one without even hearing me out. Sounds like to me you had already made your mind up without me saying anything so who's full of crap. I see why you don't won't to turn yourself in. I'm sure you'd get your ass thrown in jail for trying to pawn off bullshit like that to the cops.
