Thursday, December 8, 2011

A Word With The Man Of Steel

Superman held a press conference yesterday at the Science Police Headquarters in Metropolis to address some outstanding issues within the Superhero community. As always the Daily Planet was in attendance and we have up-to-date information from the Man Of Steel.

From the outset of the conference, Superman made it clear that the Justice League is monitoring all activities within the Superhero community. He stated : " I am here to reassure the public that the J.L.A. is currently aware of all threats to our planet. We sincerely apologize for the lack of information.We don't always have time to let you know everything that is happening immediately, yet you can be confident that as soon as we can, we will enlighten you as to the current state of affairs."  When asked again about the on-going situation between Flameman and Deacon, he responded : "We also are aware of rifts that may exist within our own ranks. This behavior is unacceptable, and as your protectors we have a responsibility to put the welfare of others before our own. Any internal divisions will be addressed, you have my word."  Then he was asked about General Zod, his whereabouts, and his sudden reappearance. "We currently have Zod and Brainiac as our top priorities. Above all else, Zod is my responsibility and even as we are speaking now, the J.L.A. is working to put Zod back where he belongs. Zod has been careful to avoid detection, but knowing Zod he won't remain hidden for long, and when he resurfaces, he's mine !  Regarding Zod's return, why don't you ask Director Luthor about that......" That comment had the cowd buzzing with more curiosity. Finally, Superman once more addressed the M.F.C. situation. "The J.L.A. will continue to work with all law enforcement agencies for the betterment of the Earth, I would however, ask the M.F.C. to grant some latitude to the new heroes that are emerging. They are scared and confused with the manifestation of their new abilities. They require the appropriate training and mentoring. If these newly powered individuals prove to be a threat, I'll be the first to hand deliver them to the nearest detention facility. Until then, they should be allowed to assist in keeping our planet safe.I have faith that the Supreme Court will make the right decision concerning the Vigilante Registration Act. The J.L.A. will be watching."   

After finishing his address, he thanked the crowd for their attention, and flew off  into the sky.

The Man Of Steel is always the personification of dignity and excellence. He represents all that is true and pure. You cant help but feel just a little bit safer with "Big Blue" patrolling. The Daily Planet will continue to keep you informed of the news as it develops. This is Bob Harley signing out......


  1. Great to hear from the Man of Steel !

  2. (Reads Paper) "Big Blue" ? Is the Daily Planet gonna continue to kiss up to Superman ?

  3. couldnt agree more Superman! Heroes need to join together. nto do villainy's work for them.
