Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Beta Impressions: Omega Black

We recently had the opportunity to sit down with forum poster Omega Black about his Beat experience so   far. Use the link below for the interview.
1. How long have you been in the beta so far?
    I have been in the beta for about 2 weeks.
2. PS3 or PC player?
3. PVE or PVP Server?
    Mostly just playing PVE.
4. What have you been most impressed with so far?
I have been impressed with the combat so far. I didn’t think I was going to like this as it is the first MMO that I have ever played.  Right from the start when I threw the first I was hooked from then on.
5. Were you able to make your character "live" from Customization/Creation standpoint?
Yes, I was able to make my character from the creation standpoint. The more I played and collected      loot the more my character has changed. Since they added the ability to change the color while in the game now, I have changed my character colors from primarily black, white, and darkish gold to just white and gold.  
6. What's your opinion of the combat?
As stated above, combat is what I am most impressed with. About a week ago, I found out you can combine some of your moves with other characters move. For example, if I use my freeze attack on an enemy, my partner can combine it with a fire attack to do more damage on an enemy. That adds a more strategic aspect to the game especially when you are fighting enemies that are more powerful than you.
7. What things are missing or overlooked so far?
As this is my first MMO, I really do not know what is missing from them that this game does not have.       I would say some powers are missing from the beta that will be in the retail game. Becoming a Green Lantern is probably so people most missed power right now.  That’s probably going to be added later on after the game have shipped.
8. Any major glitches you've encountered yet?
The freezing is the major one on the PS3 beta. It’s a normal thing to happen in a beta. It’s probably more to do so with not having the full code of the game yet than an actual problem. I am pretty sure it will not happen when the full retail game is out.
9. Rate your DCUO experience from a 1-10.
    It’s a 10 for me. This is the most fun I have had with a beta.
10. What’s your opinion of the graphics?
The graphics are great. For the game to be a huge open world where you can go everywhere you see, the graphics are amazing. It’s not going to look like Uncharted 2 or Killzone 2 level because those games are way more closed than DCUO. It’s like comparing the openness with your bedroom apartment to Wayne Manor. Where your apartment you are limited to a much closed space as Wayne Manor is 2,000 times bigger than your apartment.  

11. Have you gotten the chance to use any of the group features?
I have used some of the group features. The group chat doesn’t work most of the time bit when it does it works great. Having the ability for your group to join your mission that go inside properties works well especially when you need to take out villains like Bane & Trigon.
12. What do you think of the social features, like Shout, etc?
      I haven’t tried shout.
13. What's your take on the controls? Are they intuitive enough for you? Does it feel like enough skill is   involved?
The controls work very well. They are very intuitive for me. I got on and it was like I already knew the controls before I even played. I feel like they are enough skill in the controls for the game. As the enemies get harder, you will have to know what combos do the most damage and the positions of your traps, tricks, and iconic powers.
14. What do you think of the menu system?
I think the menu system is great. It is easy to navigate through to me. You press R2 and L2 to scroll through the different options in the menu. The menu can sometimes move slow but I think it will be fix. Since the update to the beta, they made the menu smaller. I have to send in some feedback to make it a little larger again.
15. What changes or adjustments would you like to see after some of your experiences?
      I'm still deciding. get back to me on that one.
16. Are you proficient Equipping Items, Adding Skills and Changing Loadouts?
Yes I am. Sometimes when I get a skill point, I can’t decide where to spend it on because all of them look to be great. Before missions I am switching powers and things because they are all awesome in my gadget powers.
17. Were you able to adapt pretty quickly without a tutorial?
Yes I am. I don’t really need tutorials to show me how to play a game. I usually have a trial and error to playing games where I try and see what happens. I press buttons to see what happens. I combine them like pressing R1 and then square to see what happens.  So, having no tutorial is not a problem for me.
18. What elements are the most well-done in your opinion?
      As stated before, I think the combat is the most well-done aspect to the game.
19. What's your opinion of the In-Game economy so far?
The in-game economy is done great to me. You earn a lot of money killing enemies and doing missions, races, and side missions.  I just wish they had more stuff unlocked in the beta so I can buy more goods. I have earned like $5,000 in the game and I’m basically spending money on repairing equipment.  
20. Have you Traded any items yet? Have you given an item to someone in greater need?
Yes, I have traded with friends. I gave some hand blasters to a friend and it increased some of his stats and has helped him greatly. I have also sent some attachments with clothing, weapons that I can’t use, and money with the compose mail option in the mail room.
21. Some people have complained about the text being to small, do you agree?
Yes, the text in the chat was too small. They have done an update to increase the size, but I think it needs increasing a little more.  They should have an option in the settings to increase of decrease the text size.
22. Does the game have enough DEPTH for the hardcore?
      There is no question about it having enough depth for the hardcore. It’s enough depth, well at least for    me.
23. Is it user-friendly and easy-to-learn enough for the Casual?
I don’t think a casual gamer will be able to learn how the game works. I may be wrong though.
24. Have you had the opportunity to explore the environments yet?
Yes. The first thing I did when I escape the ship and entered Gotham was explored the city. I have went all over Gotham from Crime Alley to Arkham Asylum. The great thing about just exploring, you will never know who will see. I have seen Batman, Green Arrow, The Flash, and Black Canary in Gotham. In Metropolis, I have seen the Green Lanterns and Yellow Lanterns battle it out, Metallo in Suicide Slums, and Doctor Fate taking out some player enemies on rooftops.
25. Have you taken any in-game screenshots yet?
      Yes I have. I couldn’t resist taking some of my character.

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