Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Paladin under JLA Surveillance?

In a recent interview with sources inside the JLA, it has been divulged that The Paladin is being monitored by elements inside the Justice League, following his battle with the Church of Blood last weekend. The source was quoted as saying: (continued on page 8)

"His actions that day, while successful, were dangerous and in some cases callous. It has been determined, and for the next few weeks, it has been agreed that he will be monitored and judged whether he is causing more harm or good."

the information about Paladin's status was made public in the understanding that citizens may be more aware of a situation if Paladin were to be on the scene.

In response to this, The Paladin had this to say

"To be quite frank, I don't mind. Of course, I regret not being able to handle the situation in a much better fashion, and I am still confused at to Blood's direct involvement. If this is what's necessary to keep the world a safer place, then I'll do what I have to do."

Paladin continued to refuse to elaborate on his sudden change of tactics during the battle, and while investigations were made, many of his colleagues did the same. When asked why they refused to do so, some claimed not to know, while others explained that they were sworn to secrecy. One was quoted in saying:

"It's a fact of his life that he isn't too proud of, and can prove to be hazardous if made public knowledge. He's agreed to tell the JLA if it is required of him, but even then, this information is to be kept secret."

More on this story as it develops.


  1. "He won't even tell the public why he risked innocent lives? Something is up, this doesn't seem like Padalin, he needs to be held in prison and questioned until he gives the public a straight answer!"

  2. what gives the JLA the right to spy on people? doesn't anyone else see anything wrong with this? don't they have too much power? this is how freedom dies!

  3. "Either he gets monitored by the JLA and loses a little bit of his freedom for a little bit of time, or innocent people die! Which would you prefer? He chose to act that way, the punishment fits the crime!"
