Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Reprisal for Batman? (an Editorial)

In the early hours of the morning after Gotham's Dark Knight was put out of action, the super-hero community was in a fever pitch about what transpired. Many people have quietly wondered why Batman has (continued on page 6)
consistently failed to take out a lunatic like the Joker, or why he keeps being awarded the insanity plea whenever he goes to trial. A brutal criminal with such a massive body count should have been executed by our legal system long ago. Interestingly enough, while many heroes began planning an offensive against the Clown Prince of Crime, two "masks" apparently thought the time for planning was over. For reasons unknown, that there was only time for action and a need to go above and beyond the law. Sources indicate that two members of a vigilante group, who we believe goes by the name of The Coalition, decided to take the law into their own hands.

The Blue Menace, known by many as Deacon the Hunter or simply: Deacon, accompanied by his accomplice, Phipher, raided Amusement Mile about 2:20am yesterday morning and laid a swath of so-called, bloody justice on the Jokers goons in an attempt to retaliate for the attack on Batman. While I can't exactly confirm that they were actually trying to finish the Joker, past actions performed by the assumed leader, Force, who has shown no hesitation in performing lethal action in extreme cases, would have myself or anyone else whose followed this group over the past few months, believe otherwise. The battle came to a head when Harley Quinn provided a successful distraction, allowing the Joker to make his escape. She paid a hefty price for her interference however. When she was admitted to jail wing of the Gotham General Hospital by GCPD, she was said to have a fractured tibula, 8 cracked ribs, a severe concussion, a punctured lung, and a spiral fracture in her hip, among other less severe injuries. Now, I want the Joker and his band of murdering cowards to go down for all that he's done but we must rely on the legal system to hand out punishment. Not some group of masks! This is not how the law, our justice system, is supposed to work! This band of rogues has to be taken down by someone. Where are the real heroes like The PeaceKeepers and Justice League when you need them?

Senior Assistant Editor
James Gadney


  1. deac! thats it i gotta take him down i'm not waiting on the peacekeepers or the JLA i'm doing it myself. As a friend of deacon i gotta knock some sense into him even if i have to go on his playing field of gotham i am bringing him in!

  2. This Mr. Gadney is an IDIOT. He portrays us as killers when we are anything but the sort. Have we taken lives? certainly...but in a life or death situation, you choose THEM or you choose YOU. Harley's a victim? These know-nothing-ACLU-card-carrying-liberal-chauvinist-idiots who go soft because a notorious female villain met her match disgust me. She's a murdering wench who would make him suffer and gut this James Gadney like a fish given the first opportunity...I think the proper response you're looking for is THANK YOU.

    So you're welcome.

  3. uh oh! getting hot in here!

  4. I've seen The Coalition in Gotham. pretty big team that stays together alot. better bring some friends Black Azure.

  5. Uhhhhhh.... has it occurred to anyone that dear Mr. Gadney might be embellishing the truth just a squelch? I admit that I may have punched her in the face 1 or 2 times but I only did what was needed to take her down, nothing more than that. Sorry if I can't use my big blue gay power ring to encase her in some whoopty-do type magic ball but the heifer was swinging a 50 pound mallet at me and Phipher. Speaking of which, for her arms to be the size that they are, she's pretty good at swinging that thing. Meh....

  6. Also, even though Force leads the Coalition, I do not blindly follow behind him in everything that he does. He may be willing to kill someone but I'm not. Is the Coalition a group of vigilantes? Yes! Are we all willing to play the judge and the jury? No! You say you want a fight, Azure? Then I suggest you change your train of thought! This road you're wanting to travel isn't gonna go anywhere either one of us wants to go.

  7. 'Do you see what this rage can do?' Automaton drones. Paladin heaves a heavy sigh

    'This is a bad example. I'm sure they had their reasons' he responded, 'it's merely unfortunate that they were on their own.'

    'their anger and thirst for vengeance has clouded their judgement. You and I both know there are better ways to go about this,' the emotionless ntity explained, 'if your new 'colleagues' are this violent, you will have to be prepared to fight against them.'

  8. He watchs the tv and listens to the back and forth reports on the net and smiles under his black mask red eyes glowing. His black gloved hands reach up adjusts his red tie picking up his cellphon. "Oh yes Mister J the hero's are all filed by harley's beat down they are all riled up and threatening each other. No boss I dont' think any of them noticed we got the weapons out of the wearhouse. Oh and catwoman and I even picked off the only hero who gave a damn to show up." Laughs and turns off the phone looking at the picture of a battered huntress. "That's right heros keep fighting and leave the city open to joker and Master Diabolical hahaha!!"

  9. Look deac either lay low for a little while or pay the fee man. i'm not saying you have to use some blue ring thingy but i am saying that you might want to stay out of the way until this is resolved but unless you figure that your some type of superman that i strongly suggest you keep a eye out for me because my ice powers doesn't have limits....

  10. I don't take kindly to threats Azure and no, I ain't no Superman. Why would I want to wear my underwear outside of my tights like the big, blue, dildo? You say your power doesn't have limits which maybe true but all I have to do is get one punch on you and you're out for 2-3 days. Also, I know a lot of what you're capable of but you have no idea as to the full extent of my abilities. Hell, all you know is that I can stick to walls, do flips, and get knocked through walls without taking much damage, but what else do you know about me, huh? Okay, enough dick slinging for now. You need to open your eyes and stop being so damn gullible because if you come to Gotham with your high and might crap, you're liable to get put in a body cast. I'm not playing games with you Azure.

  11. Ahaha you sound like my father deacon if you think i'm the one to be fucked with you my friend are sadly mistaken. report to the JLA tower for lock down or i'll bring you myself. and if you think you have amazing powers test me. i am capable of freezing your body 200 degrees under so if you don't turn yourself in for a little while then i'm going to have to get physical.

  12. My name is Aduro iam a proud member of the coalition. I have to say that we do our best not to take things to far..... Azure you are treading on thin ice my friend. You come at Deacon you come at all of us. All we have done is what GCPD cannot! And if that makes me a vigilante then so be it. I will do what ever it takes...... To stop any villian anywhere and if they wont stop I will make then. Azure I leave you with a warning you may be able to freeze but I can bring the surface of the sun down on you and turn you into vapor. And watch you float away
    I dont fight Deacons battles but we are a Coalition and i will defend them any time
