Thursday, February 17, 2011

Do you know this man?

Two weeks ago a black male John Doe was admitted to Gotham General under largely unnoticed circumstances. Today, it seems the circumstances are now largely remarkable as the John Doe who was in a two week long coma has woken and is displaying telekinetic and psychokinetic abilities. Yesterday he was moved to S.T.A.R labs medical wing for further examination and security. It seems the gentleman is also unaware of who he is and so as a favor to the authorities we're running his image in the local papers to see if someone will come forward to identify him.

We'll provide more information as it becomes available.


  1. WHAT IN THE BLUE HELL?!! I know that man!

  2. Oh, snap! Is that Force???

  3. UPDATE: The John Doe was later identified as the vigilante Force of The Coalition and released to one his teammates early this morning. According to sources, the group is in search of a high-level mentalist to return his memory as it may be the key to solving the Elemental Murders case.

  4. Has Force divulged any information regarding the Elemental Murders to anyone yet or do you have to be in the super, secret Coalition fan club to find out? Will I get a decoder ring if I join?
