Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Interview: FlameGirl

In the latest issue of SuperHeroHype Magazine, we sit down with no other than Flame Girl of the newly -formed Meta Justice, one of Metropolis' newer brand of superheroes. In our interview she tell us her views on The Elemental crisis, ridding our streets of the Brainiac presence and the superhero "God Complex".

1. "Newer superheroes" have been getting a reputation of doing more harm that good recently, any opinions?
I haven't seen much, but what I have seen is troubling, indeed. These "newer heroes" don't seem to know which side they're on. It worries me for the future of all heroes. But, as I've said, I haven't seen much of this to date. I have been more focused on the internal administation of Meta Justice.
2. Meta-Justice has gained a reputation as a solid group of traditional heroes, who's to thank for this?
I would have to say that my core members are to thank for the reputation we've gained thus far. This includes my co-leader Superpatriot, and others like SSJ Carlos, JC0N, and plenty of others that I see on a daily basis. They're all on the same page as me and it makes my job as leader a lot easier. I will continue to rely on they're support and help in the future.
3. Is life as a hero everything you thought it would be?
I would say that it has given me a new perspective on the responsibility that is involved.  It isn't as easy as it seems at first glance.  I used to think that the members of the Justice League had things easy.  That is an assumption I won't be making in the future.
4. The murder of several members of the superhero team The Elementals has grabbed Headlines of late, how has it affected you?
It saddened me to hear of these deaths, as every hero deserves justice.  That details have been scarce angers me.  The best we, as heroes, can do is to keep a wary eye out for the culprits and have them locked away.  It has served to make us watch each other's backs, and, as a whole, we have become a tighter knit group.
5. Describe your super abilities.
My main power is fire, obviously, hence the name. I tend to use a lot of self healing powers in conjunction with powers that do quite a bit of damage. So far the powers I use often have proven to be quite effective.
6. What does the ability to bench press a car do to the psyche of a person?
(Laughs). It definitely gives a greater sense of power. The problems usually start when an individual becomes addicted to that extra boost that they get from that feeling.
7. Why have so many of the newer "powered individuals" turned to lives of greed and crime?
This coincides with my previous answer. They begin to feel superior to the rest of the world and they become consumed by their powers. This could happen to anyone. We just need to stay vigilant of ourselves and others around us so we can avoid such a fate.
8. Villains like The Legion of Sin have joined forces to coordinate attacks on several authority HQs recently in the areas you patrol. any response?
All I have to say about this topic is this. LoS can trash talk about Meta Justice all they want. We have substantial evidence showing their true colors. They aren't worth the energy to hate. There are a few members that I actually respect for their skill to wield their own respective powers.
9. How long do you think it will take to rid our cities of the Brainiac menace?
It will not be an easy task. I can tell you that for sure. How long will be determined in time. It isn't something that can be judged at this point in time. I can only hope it isn't too late for this world.
10. In closing, s there anything you'd like to share about yourself and Meta-Justice?
I created Meta Justice with the dream of making the world a safer and better place. My core members share this dream with me and they have given me more support and loyalty than I ever asked of them. I'm lucky to have them around. Without them, who knows where Meta Justice would be, or if it would still exist.


  1. Very good read. Most recently we seem to have built a mutual respect with some of LoS more active members. The pvp ones anyway. LoS has some of the most respectable pvp members. It's safe to say i was wrong to judge LoS as a whole. I wasn't wrong about all of them but there sure are guys there that i wish were fighting for good! People like FireMeUp. A very powerful villain. Ruthless but respectable. Some of those guys don't have a problem being villains while still playing by the rules.

  2. Only thing is we've been around since beta launch lol

  3. FlameGirl it was fun watching you battle in the fight club. iiclosii wish more of your league would feel the same way. I cant wait to get more PVP armor so i can meet up with some of you heroes in the fight club.

  4. as more and more superheros and villains appear the importance of terrorizing legions and powerful upstanding leagues to oppose them will grow. i hope we can serve as a beacon for those who need it


  5. A nice read. Grats

  6. Thanks. And Zedigg, I don't have full PvP gear lol. It was my first time online when it all started when a random villain attacked me and kept attacking when he clearly saw I wasn't wanting to fight him. After he KO'd me, I raged a bit as anyone who was in group with me at the time can attest to and went back to get him and then people just started showing up and I called out over versus that it was going on lol. I had a lot of fun. Needles to say it was a nice challenge going up against Jimbo who had full Iconic gear and me with a few pieces short of regular PvP gear lol. He did give me a good whooping, but I didn't think I would get his health as low as I did. A lot of good fights went down. Those lowbies that started showing up and randomly attacking was pretty entertaining. And they kept coming back lol. Thanks for the positive feedback and thanks to the Daily Planet for their time.

  7. Awesome interview Flame. Keep up the good work!

  8. Great work Flame, and another great interview thanks to the great guys and gals at the daily planet.. We have counted Meta Justice as an ally since the gray days of beta and will continue to stand with them against those who would have thier personal nightmares corrupt the Dream.

  9. Nice read and a great interview. I wish you guys were on the Killing Joke. Could've been epic.

  10. Thank you all for the great feedback. Eli and Foresight, you guys have been and continue to be great allies and I look forward to working more closely with you guys once I get the organizational side of things where I want them. And Deacon, maybe I might consider spreading to another server in the future, but for now I want to focus on logistics here on No Man's Land.

  11. You claim you have no PVP armor? I have about 5 other LOS that inspected you that seen you with mainly purple PVP armor. A few blue pieces in the bunch. How is that not having pvp armor?

  12. He really doesnt have pvp armor...

    SSJ Carlos

  13. I just the other day completed the archangel set of pvp armor from the terminal vendors in the watchtower. I haven't even gotten any iconic gear. I haven't been focusing solely on pvp. I have had a lot of administrative duties to undertake as leader, and yes I have great support from my league members, but it is still a lot of work. Most of my attention has gone to the administrative end of things. I am in the process of an inactive sweep and once everything settles down I can really start to give more attention to the iconic gear.

  14. Yeah thanks for all the support everyone...
    Also it would have been epic to have worked side by side with Decon and their crew. As for the "newly formed hero's" I don't know where the reporters received that info but we have been around since Los in beta..Maybe the reporter needs to do some more home work before hand. "Just saying" Seems some have their noses so far up the reporters ass's they could breath for them. Again just saying.lol
