Monday, March 21, 2011

Female Enchantress to Lead VRA Magic Corp.

Long forgotten by the media and a large portion of the hero community, a woman by the name of Arcana will be returning to Earth.

"It is a delicate situation pertaining to all kinds of super powered individuals, I am only going to ensure that no one who wills their powers to exist through magic will be openly defeating the institutes of the law." Arcana stated during an initial brief with our reporters. When asked why she believes this new law should be enforced, Arcana implied, "There is a delicate balance between the magical fibers between multiple worlds and if I can do anything to ease the virus that is infecting this world: vigilante heroes, backstabbing and downright acts of rebellion in the name of self-virtue, then so be it." The witch seemed to have a lot to say about the recent events and current situation with the VRA going into effect but as always, sources say, she remained quite aloof and her words held a deeper meaning none of the media could truly grasp. Arcana has been seen recently with Warhound, her husband, making her home in Gotham City. It seems the celebration of the birth of their first child, Alexandra, was cut short by a disturbance when the Federal Building went up in smoke. We tried to reach Warhound to no avail and when we asked Arcana for his opinion on the matter she clipped our question saying, "The foundation of our marriage is not built on our choices but rather our purpose together." Again, a clandestine comment. Needless to say, the private-public life of Arcana and her stance on the VRA is going to be a topic of debate. Why is she aligning with this enforcement? It seems to be a mystery despite her answers.

Is something stirring in the magical compendium of the universe and what does the VRA have to do with that mysterious and occult realm? Only time can tell.


  1. A void of darkness flows in all direction. Composed and secure it is no more than a remarkable solidity of brooding freedom, open to expand, however, into nothing. This existence is empty, negated of light, only unbounded space. Time is absent. One would believe this to be nothing. A juxtaposed simplification of emptiness or simply, the justification of pointless thought... What if I told you, this was in fact primary existence, what was once called Spirit Requiem, what I call the Tides of Sin... A density of bodiless personas of thought longing for sensation, wanting something more but always denied... Would you also deem this one of your so-called magical realms? This, the realm of my existence. How delicate is its balance? Will you try to claim it?
