Sunday, March 20, 2011

Meta Justice Leader Taken into Custody

In a startling turn of events, the founder of MetaJustice was recently apprehended by MFC authorities and taken into custody at a meta-human containment facility. This is believed to be the first high profile arrest under the MFC's belt.

Right before Flamegirl was arrested, she was seen assisting firefighters in Metropolis with the rescue of 12 victims in an apartment fire on the westside of Little Bohemia. After the victims were rescued, she was quickly sprayed down with flame retardant foam, netted, and thrown in the back of a van by MFC enforcers who had are believed to have been waiting around for her. Since her incarceration, SuperPatriot has reportedly taken up the position as head of Meta Justice but there hasn't been any word from any of the leagues members as to their thoughts on the situation. It seems as though Meta Justice, as well as the rest of the super hero community, are going through hard and dark times right now. We'll give you more details as it becomes available.


  1. This is an outrage! I save lives and get arrested for it! The VRA is to blame. This is only going to hinder every hero's ability to help stop these criminals and take more time than available. I will not stand for this injustice. Though I am preoccupied, I will still be a presence. This incident only furthers to prove that the VRA will only do more harm than good. It has only forced me to do whatever I can to get it revoked. I will fight this bill to the bitter end. Whatever that may be........

  2. About time they locked one of you bastards up. Don't worry sweetie. You'll have plenty of company soon. God bless America!

  3. Vigilantes and heroes, mark my words.
    If you do not unite and fight back, you will lose!
    I know Lex Luthor well enough to see that he will do everything and anything to win this war, because it is now a war. Yes I know Mr Luthor enough to predict that he won't stop at you vigilantes, I know he will next go at innocent people having powers, even if not using them. Finaly his MFC will stand at my door... Now I can promise you, if you have the population's well-being in mind, YOU DO NOT WANT THAT.
    Lex Luthor is greatly under underestimating you. I have fought enough pajamas to know not do that. I also know that a cornered beast is the most dangerous one, and you guys are getting push into a corner fast. The question now is: Are you going to bite or stand still like a deer in the headlights?
    Yeah, maybe I'm inciting you to do bad choices, but hell, you still need to consider it.
    You know I have heroes' best interests at heart, right?

  4. I will fight this to my very last breath if I must. Whether it be united with the rest of the hero community or alone, I will fight this tyranny where I stand. The moment they took me into custody, they decided their fate. They must be shown the error of their ways and, hopefully, convinced to do what's right. I do not make these statements lightly, nor do I intend to go to far. But I will do what is necessary to show them the truth. It is a fine line I must walk, and I pray that I do not fall on the wrong side of it, but it is a line that must be walked nonetheless. I only hope that it is not too late......

  5. SSJ Carlos

    Don't worry FlameGirl were fighting for justice no matter what. We need to get the job done no matter what the cost.

  6. hang in there flamegirl we will think of something to get u out of thier hands


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  8. Excerpt from the diary of Flamegirl:

    March 21, 2011

    "If it weren't for the well thought out construction of this facility, I would have escaped by now. They seem to have thought of everything. There is no division of ceiling, floor, or wall. It appears to be a sphere with no seams, making it impossible for me to find where the door is. There is no light bulb, as that would have helped me build my power over time. This light emits no heat and the entire cell seems to be constantly cold draining my strength and leaving me weak. Robotic arms come out of the ceiling to take blood every day at a random time each day. They also give me my food this way. The silence and solitude of my cold cell are quickly beginning to grate on my nerves and have me pacing constantly. I must be free of this place. I am needed on the streets....."

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  10. Onslaught Inc. security has been engaged by these Meta Justice terrorists in the past. I am not surprised they are one of the first to fall...

  11. Cold cell,solitude, horrible treatments and disgusting food...
    Home sweet home.

  12. We have been forced into a corner, and now the time has come to unleash the beasts within ourselves to come out of this intact. The men and women in the MFC may not all be bad. I know this. But Lex is using them as petty thugs to intervene in the affairs of men and women who gained extraordinary abilities by mere chance and are only trying to help the world. He must be shown his folly. This will only serve to make us a stronger, more unified community.
