Tuesday, March 15, 2011

MFC Anti-Vigilante Force Attacked. Vigilante, Black Falcon to blame?

An MFC armored personnel carrier on patrol for would be VRA violators was destroyed this past night by an unknown meta-human attacker. The armored personnel carrier was destroyed and seemingly falling apart. The metal was so brittle that when the MFC recovery team tried to haul it out, it began to shatter like it was glass.
The six agents aboard were found unconscious with arms and legs broken. Their weapons and body armor degraded into uselessness. A cardboard sign was found on one agent saying, “You’re not legal yet…” The agents are listed in stable condition at Mercy Hospital. They are reported to have seen nothing. “Everything just went black and I woke up here,” one of the agents said a little while after regaining consciousness. Likewise the building temporarily assigned to MFC forces mysteriously collapsed, its armory destroyed in a similar fashion. No one was killed in the mysterious attacks. Federal investigators are looking for answers as to what meta-human is capable of such destruction. An MFC investigator, who wishes to remain anonymous, did give us his strong opinion on who they believed perpetrated the attacks. “There’s only meta I know of in the world who can degrade metal like this, and that’s Black Falcon.” Attempts to contact Wayne Industries who employ Black Falcon as a spokeswoman have not been returned. Rumors on the ground are Black Falcon is on unpaid leave pending the investigation.


  1. I'm not sure what to think about this. On one hand, whoever left that note was right. The law isn't even in effect yet but they are already sending out death squads? On the other hand, I'm not sure I can agree with how far Black Falcon took this. Destroying their equipment, yes. Possible crippling the personnel for life? Slippery slope.

  2. You're a fucking menace Black Falcon!! I can't believe my little girl used to look up to you! I used to be against this law but now I hope President Suarez lets this law go into effect. You should be ashamed of yourself!

    -Distressed Mom

  3. This is a tragic example why these so-called "heroes" and their vigilante attitudes are a threat to the hard-working people of our country.

    Instead of lawfully discussing the issues they choose to brutally attack these workers who were merely doing their job. These people who are now maimed for life are not the decision makers, yet they are held responsible and punished by some "vigilante?"

    This attack on government workers is a direct attack on the government and the laws it stands for! By their actions, these "heroes" have clearly made their stance against our country! Obviously these vigilantes care about no one expect themselves and their own set of laws...

    Onslaught Incorporated and LexCorp will hold a fundraiser for the families of these workers this weekend. For most, the staggering hospital bills are too overwhelming, please join us in supporting them. Details to be explained in a press release...

  4. These workers volunteered to enforce a law that isn't even legal yet! Like I said before, hurting those guys the way she did may've been a bit much but I'm sure those guys aren't completely innocent. I'm also sure that Black Falcon probably didn't go looking for these guys. As the report states, they were out on patrol looking for vigilantes. Did they catch her violating the VRA or did they simply try to bring her in because she was flying around? A lot of questions should be answered before anyone passes judgement on her.

  5. First of all, you don't know if they are volunteers. But even so, they are completely innocent. Do you know how much courage it takes for regular people to stand up to a meta-powered vigilante?

    These brave you men reported to have seen nothing and blacked out. Does that sound like they instigated these vigilantes?

    Obviously the MFC are trying to get the infrastructure in place to be able enforce the law on day one. And they can't do so with hiring and training people to do the job... brave, innocent people.

  6. thank you black falcon.....you alone just swayed public opinion in favor of the vra bill and now the president will have no choice but 2 sign it in2 effect immediately..... this is jus what we've been waiting for....over the last few weeks you hero's hav taken the vigilante term 2 new levels... its about time you be held accountable 4 these actions

  7. ...And when they call us, and they will. Who will answer their cries? What will come when we abandon them. What will happen when this world falls into perpetual darknes, who will answer them? Lex Luther? You all well sell your souls to be saved by the initial instrument that led you into the black night...
