Saturday, March 19, 2011

Peacekeepers and the VRA. Where Do They Stand?

Recently, we managed to get some on-phone and in-person thoughts on the newly legalized VRA from some of the premier members of the Peacekeepers. It would seem as though right now, the PKers' are unanimous in their thoughts about the new law.

We'll try our best to get some more thoughts from more Peacekeepers but for now we bring you the first round of comments on the implementation of the new bill.

"I don't want to come off as just pushing stare decisis, but hasn't this gone through the system already in cases like Liz Morgan and the whole defund ACORN debacle? If the federal government wants an army of superheroes on-call, they're entitled to it already through the draft - it's not exactly a bill of attainder, but it just strikes me as awful legal precedent to be pushing through laws that target such a specific segment of the population. 

Now, if you want to come up with a licensing system for the public use of supernatural powers, a-la flight licenses, firearm licenses, etc... doesn't that seem like a saner and less panoptic solution? You'd still have your training requirements, etc. As written, it's a hasty piece of legislation rife with loopholes and potential abuse. I can only hope the Senate recognizes that; I'm not holding my breath."

I think training to be a hero should be a required thing.  Even if the person does not want to be a hero they should be taught how to control their powers, abilities, or tech.   We are no different then regular citizens if someone wants to be a firefighter. police officer, or doctor they have to have the proper training, heroes should be held to the same.  However like them a hero should not be ordered where to go and what to fight, unless of course they are employed by the government.  Basically short of working for them or being drafted in a time a war like heroes were back in WW2, the government shouldn't have a say in what a hero does.  Training though, there should definitely be training.

Code Blue
"Yeah, I ain't gonna try and use all them pretty words like Firebird did, but this thing ain't right. I understand wantin' heroes to have the proper trainin'. But some of us have families. There ain't no reason why any of us should have to reveal our civilian identities. It would put them in unnecessary danger. The army thing is a whole 'nother matter all together. We should get to choose whether or not we take part in any kind of armed conflict."

"I'll sign up if all women are forced to register their boobs as deadly weapons. And I get to do the registration."

Silver Gryphon

"Firebird makes a very valid point. I do, however, have to admit that I am in sheer awe at the lack of practical thought that has gone into all this. Did it not occur to anyone while compiling such an article the advantages this could bolster for our more villainous counterparts? 

Essentially you are compiling information on us “vigilantes” that would not only jeopardize our own safety but the safety of all those close to us. Did the government not think that such a compilation of information could fall into the wrong hands? I would surely hope they did not exude such arrogance. 

Though I am all for individuals being training on their abilities, who would be responsible for said training? I would assume the government would have experienced meta and non-meta individuals providing said training for clearly a non meta would not know that first thing about teaching someone with abilities. Even still, though some of our powers may be similar in nature that is not to say that the training for each individual would be identical. Most of the time those gifted with abilities must learn through trial and error. Essentially, I would have to say that the good intentions of this proposal is clearly overshadowed by its immense amount of flaws. I am one for upholding the law and doing what is right, however, if such an article was implemented I would have to respectfully decline my registration into such a debacle."

The Hornet

"Yeah...This is what they always do. Find some way to control you in the name of the so-called 'public interest'... if you go along with them, let them use you as their puppet and do the bidding of their corporate overlords... well, you are golden. Just don't look them in the eye and ask 'why'. If you stand against them, they turn the public against you, crucify you... make you out to be the sort of criminal they in fact are. No, sir... I will not be signing up. I encourage anyone who loves freedom to follow suit." 


It makes sense that all citizens should stand up and support a call for personal responsibility when it comes to being a masked 'hero'. I could wholly endorse this measure if it did not include the infringing upon individual rights as it does, forcing those with special abilities to work for the military. For that reason I stand against it."

Max Impact
"No chance they'll get me to get behind this. And you can quote me on that. Should there be responsibility? Most definitely. But leave it to the community to 'police' itself or to people like the Justice League and folks who've been doing this a long time and know what's needed. This is a rash, knee jerk reaction based, I'd guess, around fear. I, and I'm sure plenty other heroes, refuse to place ourselves, our families, or our loved ones in danger because someone else is too afraid to do the right thing. 

Remember, us costumed 'vigilantes' stand up for those who can't. Why try to punish us for doing what's right when no one else will?" Long story short, I ain't for it and anybody who wants to try and make me cooperate is welcome to try."

Dire Wolf
" Ha! I would love to see em' try and make me do anything."


  1. I am so ashamed of the Peacekeepers if this is the final stance they decide to take. Where are your leaders? Don't they have a PR person that speaks for you? Can't have some loose mouth, disgruntle lackeys speaking for the seniority of the league, can you?

  2. Hmm, perhaps Christmas should register your mother's breasts first...

  3. its good to know what the peacekeepers take on this is. honestly a lot of us heros were waiting on a high profile team such as thiers to make a move before we made our final decision.... bc some of us wont be making it through this


  4. Lets be serious here Wistal. I, personally, don't believe most of these comments to be genuine. Well, maybe except for Hornet (Hey! Me and this guy both carry patrol time goodies in our backpacks, he's gotta be the real deal) but the rest I'm iffy about. What if the bill gave them the same benefits that the JLA are enjoying right now? What would they say then. I think we all know the answer. But to simply put it, I don't believe you.

  5. @Deacon

    They are all genuine. Being a PK and the one who gathered the quotes I would know

    Def Force

  6. I'll believe it when I see it. Since this stupid bill passed, me and my team have been fighting the MFC's hired thugs. Where have you all been? Going to a barbecue that I wasn't even invited to! Yeah, yeah, I said it! Your boy Slipshod let it slip (pun intended) what you guys were doing. How did you all know I didn't want any ribs, huh?! Uhhh.... what was I saying?

  7. The VRA is a way to organize your disgusting habits and shape you up, you might actually learn a few things grunts.
