Thursday, March 10, 2011

The VRA violate heroes' civil liberties?

An anonymous source in the White House manged to get us a copy of the VRA bill that's making its way up to the senate floor today. We'll save our own opinions so that this article remains un-bias but please give us your thoughts on this piece of legislation.

Keep in mind that this isn't the entirety of the bill. Some of the more notable proposals are as follows:

- Funds will be set aside to create an agency that's specifically designed to monitor meta and non-meta vigilantes. Along with this duty, they will also enforce the Vigilante Registration Act and administer punishment to any violators according to law.

- Individuals who participate in vigilantism and wish to do so will have to register their civilian and vigilante identities to their local state governments as well as the federal government.

- The acting Commander-in-chief  will be given legislative authority on whether or not to use meta and non-meta vigilantes in local or foreign conflict. To control unnecessary use of said individuals, the act must be approved by the U.S. Senate with a majority vote.

- Newly registered individuals will undergo a 4 month training regiment in order to safely and properly use their powers in a civilian and foreign environment. This regiment will be supplemented by bi-annual refresher courses lasting no longer than 3 weeks.

- Each registered individual will be held accountable for collateral damage caused by himself. Collateral damage caused as a result of an encounter with another individual will be determined by the local state government.

- Any individual with special abilities or the propensity to create or simulate special abilities will be detained until a federal court date can be set for them. The trial will determine if that individual can be used to as part of the registration program, whether or not they will be held under criminal offense, and whether or not this person is banned from using their abilities.


  1. Hmm...mumbo jumbo...I am above the law

  2. I come back to find that the world is going straight to hell? I understand the publics fear and everything and I try my best to act as responsible as possible with my powers but does it really need to come down to this?

  3. There is no future. There is no past...Time is simultaneous, an intricately structured jewel that humans insist on viewing one edge at a time, when the whole design is visible in every facet.

    Its 1977, the Keene Act Passes by a United States senator named John David Keene immediately making any form of vigilantism by costumed adventurers illegal.(Except for The Comedian and I who worked solely in the remit of the United States government.)

    Rorschach refuses to comply with the strictures of the Act. Shortly after the Act passes, he leaves the dead body of multiple-rapist Harvey Charles Furniss, outside a New York City police precinct with a note bearing only his symbolized signature and the word "neveR!"

    I now echo his sentiments.

    I am tired of this world, these people. I am tired of being caught in the tangle of their lives. They claim their labors are to build a heaven, yet their heaven is populated by horrors.

  4. An unjust law is itself a species of violence. Arrest for its breach is more so.
    Much ado over nothing. this will not pass, and the true purpose of this proposed legislation is nothing more then a probe of the public opinion.

  5. It is unjust to ask us to register our full identities to the government. It would do more harm than good. I ask the senate this. What happens when villains find out where these records are being kept and steal them, killing every employee that happens to get in their way?

    As for this supposed "training regiment", who will be the instructor? If it isn't a member of the Justice League, then it has no purpose, and no chance of actually helping anyone.

    All this bill will do is make things easier for evildoers to cause chaos on a scale that has not been seen in the lifetime of superpowered individuals. We do what must be done to keep the streets safe. We don't have a choice in the matter of causing damage to vehicles and buildings. The government is surrounded by red tape. We are able to do what they can't to stop crime. This bill will only make sure that that red tape encompasses us "vigilantes" as well. I will not comply with these mandates. This bill is madness!

  6. A great man once said, "Doesn't matter what the press says. Doesn't matter what the politicians or the mobs say. Doesn't matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is something right. This nation was founded on one principle above all else: the requirement that we stand up for what we believe, no matter the odds or the consequences. When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world - 'No. You move.'"

  7. Hmmm. This will of course do nothing to stop crime. Super criminals will never register.

    The day the VRA passes is the day I retire. I will break that retirement only if there is a world threatening event. Otherwise the people are on their own.

    Gorilla Grodd, Circe, and Bizzaro are tearing up New York. I'm not registered...not my problem. Y'all got a swat team, go out there and take em. Certainly you don't need a super powered vigilante to take down super powered bad guys.

    There is currently an alliance between Law Enforcement and supers. We work together and supers don't kill. Why fix it? And to say I can be sent overseas in a conflict on a moments notice? NO. I am not a slave of the govt.

    Certainly I will not risk the lives of the people I love by giving my name to the week it will be on Wikileaks.

    If this law passes, I'll go back to my life. If I stop a crime or save a life, and you come after me? Y'all better be ready for a fight, cause I won't pull my punches.

    and that's the bottom line. The VRA will make the heroes into criminals. Pass the law, and y'all will end up with twice as many villains as you had before.

  8. My consequences will ripple through time like a titanic blaze of lunacy and it is warranted, in spite of this...these professed terms allocated by our esteemed regime are bound in an endless secession of obscurity that is lead by a flawed ideology. They have given into a flood of transgressions that has risen to submerge all things rational, left to linger within the gloom of destruction and bedlam. Even if we wanted to know the point behind this, we would be fed lies; words lacking emotion, running dry leaving the truth shattered. I understand that situations such as these raise questions with answers undefined, or, not yet manifested. There is no denying this. To live life within a metaphorical state is my only answer, a comparison of emotions to states of minds, to lifeless shells to boundless dynamism and verve.
    I will not give into their dismal oblivion of servitude...

  9. Hahahahahahahaha!! This is GREAT!!!

    Rules for vigilantes, I'd like to have Huntress opinion on that!!
    Yes, make the Batman tell the "government" employees is real name. He know as much as me that it would be is downfall, as if nobody was greedy enough to sell the info. Thats why he never surrendered is name to Gotham police.
    Imagine how a guy like Deacon or any other good hacker could find is way to this data bank. Next, imagine what a guy full of good intentions like me could do with those data... You get my point right?
    This is not a problem for criminals. If heroes do not follow the rules, what is left for them?

    Superpatriot said: "Doesn't matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is something right. This nation was founded on one principle above all else: the requirement that we stand up for what we believe, no matter the odds or the consequences. When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world - 'No. You move.'"
    -Super, thats what I do everyday, and I get to be call a VILLAIN for that. Face it, you are turning into one of us!!!

    And I leave this to Eliphaz , since you like those long lines and philosophical quotes from boring dead people...


  10. Really?! I go ghost for a while and this is what happens to the world? Sometimes our government THINK TANKS need to ask our opinion on matters that concern... well US! Deacon, I need some training, bud. I'm a bit rusty and I need a punching bag with some villian's face on it. Or yours if it fits the situation. Coalition UP!
