Friday, November 25, 2011

Deacon responds to Verdict!

In a recent phone interview, the Coalition Leader made his opinion of the verdict well known. He pulled no punches when commenting on the MFC, Lex Luthor and of course...Flameman!

"So... The Daily Planet wants my thoughts on this whole Flameman acquittal nonsense? Okay, that sounds reasonable enough. It's total crap that the only reason he was able to walk out of that courtroom was because crucial evidence that would have more than likely buried him was distributed to other heroes for there viewing pleasure. But not the heroes you think. It was handed out to Pro-VRA vigilantes who operate very closely to the "oh so honorable" MFC Director, Lex Luthor. Coincedence? Only if you believe in Strawberry Slush puking unicorns. Also, unlike Flameman, I tell everyone why I attacked him but first, let me ask you all something. Why would a "hero" who's supposedly anti-VRA get ready to walk into an MFC precint to offer up what he knows about Phipher and Rayven Man's murders instead of going to the agency who was actually in charge of the investigation, which is the GCPD? And why did the MFC Enforcers try to arrest me and not Mr. Cowlick? Hmmmm... I guess I just answered everyones' question with more questions, huh?"

We'e currently in talks for a Flameman exclusive sit-down interview. STAY TUNED.


  1. Kinda funny that the MFC took me into custody after you attacked me not you when you could have been caputred without a fight since you were unconcious on the ground. The only reason I went with the MFC is because they are operated by the government so I figured I could turn myself in that way. Stop trying to start stuff I'm innocent and I've been innocent since day one. If your such a hero then how so you always have time to do interviews about me? I mean I'm flattered that you think of me that much but really instead of starting stuff get a life jackass.
    ----------The Flameman

  2. Deacon is going hard! When's round 2 guys?

  3. Hey the only good thing about this is that Rayven Man is dead! We're all dancing on his grave!
