Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Patrol with the Daily Planet Blog!

Most of our readers know that your experiences drive most of our content here at the Daily Planet. In the next few weeks you'll be sure to see much more of us in search of "stories worth telling" from the world of DCUO. It's a practice we started months ago and really enjoy doing. There's nothing like going on patrols/capers with Hero and Villain groups and getting the opportunity to see some DCUO Luimnaries in action!

Don't hesitate to send us an email if you'd like for us to tag along during one of your patrols/capers and please come say hello if you see us in Gotham or Metropolis (and for God's sake, please don't attack us) you're sure to see Lois Lane, Ron Troupe, Jimmy Olsen and maybe even Clark Kent as members the League: The Daily Planet Blog.


  1. Like Rodney Dangerfield I can't get no respect. Is there no love for Bob Harley ? By the way I need a raise !

  2. already sent you guys an email.

  3. Really I didn't receive anything. I'll check again.

  4. forgive us. and YES, we agree a raise is long overdue.
