Thursday, November 17, 2011

Opening Statements in Flameman Trial

 Trial of Fire: Part 2
Opening statements in the Trial of Flameman began today and the prosecution was dealt an early blow. Due to the alleged videotape of the Phipher murder being viewed by more than one vigilante (including Coalition member Deacon) before being entered into evidence, the judge presiding over the trial is disallowing it as evidence, alleging that it may have been tampered with. Sources are telling us that the prosecution, led by Gotham DA Kate Spenser, is devastated and that without the videotape the state may not be able to link Flameman to the crime.

In another stunning development, being charged with a crime means the MFC is now privy to Flameman's true identity. This little-known piece included in the VRA legislation now has many hero advocates and privacy groups up in arms.